

  • 07-08-2024
  • Joaley
  • City:Heraklion
  • Looks10.0 / 10
  • Services:10.0 / 10
  • Communication:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:opicak
  • Kiss:With tongue
  • Blowjob:Without condom
  • CIM:Yes, spits it out
  • Sex:Active
  • Anal:Yes
  • Breast:Silicone
  • Extra Ball:Multiple times allowed
  • Photo:Real picture


This little girl has changed my life. I had always thought a prostitute will probably be on drugs, lifeless and provide boring sex. This beauty however feeled like my friend, made me feel totally relaxed with her calm and positive attitude, was sober and had a body of a premium pornstar. She tried so hard to meet all my demands and was a pleasure to communicate with all the way through. She has taught me some important things about sex and made me feel like myself again. Gave me her pure divine energy. If she is in your area now then this is a God's gift for you waiting to be opened.




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