

  • 09-11-2017
  • Mistress Yoleta
  • City:Athens
  • Looks10.0 / 10
  • Services:10.0 / 10
  • Communication:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:mark77
  • Kiss:No
  • Blowjob:Don't know
  • CIM:No
  • Sex:Brutal
  • Anal:Not available
  • Breast:Natural
  • Extra Ball:Don't know
  • Photo:Real picture


A stunning appearance, a very confident voice, a wonderful smell and taste. Mistress is not indifferent to foot fetish and ball basting. She very accurately managed to find that side of causing pain, where I feel enough to be a victim of torture, but I can still tolerate it. With her I felt the charm of communicating with the real Mistress.




We present you a unique escorts page for you mark77

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