

  • 01-09-2023
  • City:Limassol
  • Looks10.0 / 10
  • Services:10.0 / 10
  • Communication:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:hetheyus
  • Kiss:With tongue
  • Blowjob:Without condom
  • CIM:No
  • Sex:Active
  • Anal:No
  • Breast:Natural
  • Extra Ball:Don't know
  • Photo:Real picture


Hey guys, I will agree with everything written here before me:
1. The girl is super nice and young
2. She loves what she’s doing if you treat her right
3. She’s one of the most expensive escorts here, but she’s totally worth it. If you are looking for something better than an average cheap meat than you’ve found a gem here
4. Yes, her English is very basic, but (a) I speak Spanish, so it was easy enough for me, and (b)if you are looking for a true exotic girl from 12 thousand miles away why would you be looking for English? Please try something new this time Sirs, you can find loads of girls here for Eastern Europe who somewhat speak English, but don’t know how or don’t want to make a man happy. Bébel has a gift.




We present you a unique escorts page for you hetheyus

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