

  • Kiss:With tongue
  • Blowjob:Without condom
  • CIM:n/a
  • Sex:Brutal
  • Anal:Yes
  • Breast:Natural
  • Extra Ball:Multiple times allowed
  • Photo:Real picture


PERFECT GIRL YES ESCORTS!! but I want to have DUO with her sister MIA. Where is her sister? I cannot see her. I am sure she is her sister 100% where did she go??? Hahahaha so funny LOL this agency thinks we are stupid!!

  • Kiss:With tongue
  • Blowjob:Without condom
  • CIM:n/a
  • Sex:Brutal
  • Anal:Yes
  • Breast:Natural
  • Extra Ball:Multiple times allowed
  • Photo:Real picture


Yes, this is a very beautiful girl and sexy BUT how can I believe that she is real sister of MIA? Can you prove it? Or you say like this because you want to make money from DUO?




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