

  • 05-11-2024
  • Rosa
  • City:Protaras
  • Looks1.0 / 10
  • Services:1.0 / 10
  • Communication:1.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Drahcir
  • Kiss:No
  • Blowjob:Don't know
  • CIM:No
  • Sex:Passive
  • Anal:No
  • Breast:Don't know
  • Extra Ball:Don't know
  • Photo:Not that girl


SCAM - Wants to be paid by Neosurf voucher and then wants the codes before the meet. Avoid at all costs unless you want to lose money. There is a reason that "she" has no reviews and why there are multiple models that have the same picture, Haida etc




We present you a unique escorts page for you Drahcir

Drahcir welcome back to! We are happy to have you. We want to give you something a bit more up to your interests so we are taking you to a separate member page where you will find a special directory with a list of names.