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Beyler, uzak durun!!!
Eฤer paranฤฑzฤฑn รผzerine yatฤฑlmasฤฑnฤฑ istemiyorsanฤฑz uzak durun! Gรผzelliฤine aldฤฑrmayฤฑn! Burada yazacaklarฤฑmฤฑn arasฤฑnda yalan ve eksiklik yoktur, gรผvenin!
Bugรผn, 1 saat buluลma iรงin Angel acente ile anlaลtฤฑk. Odaya girer girmez kฤฑz negatif enerjisini hissettirmeye baลladฤฑ...suratsฤฑz bir halde sert bir ifade ile hiรง suratฤฑma bile bakmadan parmaฤฤฑyla iลaret ederek duลa git diye baลladฤฑ, dolayฤฑsฤฑyla daha baลdan moralim bozuk baลladฤฑm. Duลu aldฤฑm dรถndรผm, รถpmek istedim ben รถpmรผyorum dedi ve hฤฑzlฤฑ bir ลekilde gel sok boลal da git der tarzฤฑnda alele acele uzandฤฑ daha sonra neyse vajinasฤฑnฤฑ รถpmeye baลlayฤฑnca 10 saniye geรงmeden hadi dรถn de kondomu takim artฤฑk baลlayalฤฑm dedi. sonra alel acele blowjobdan sonra pozisyona girdim ama hiรง bir pozisyonda 10 saniyeden fazla bฤฑraktฤฑrmadฤฑ, sert sokmamama raฤmen her 10 saniyede bir ayaฤa kalkฤฑp telefonuna yรผrรผdรผ ve yalandan acฤฑyor diyerek anฤฑ soฤutmaya baลladฤฑ ve hฤฑzlฤฑ sikte boลal artฤฑk demeye baลladฤฑ, bu aradฤฑ seans baลlayalฤฑ daha 15 dakika bile olmamฤฑลtฤฑ. Seviลirken konuลmak istediฤimde รงeneni kapat! hฤฑzlฤฑ sikte hemen boลal acฤฑyor diyordu. Hiรง tadฤฑnฤฑ รงฤฑkaramadฤฑฤฤฑm pozusyonunlarฤฑn en sonunda doggy istedi, neyse sokak รงฤฑkarฤฑrken ters bakฤฑp sรถylenerek, artฤฑk hฤฑzlฤฑ sik de boลal aฤrฤฑyor diyordu, ister istemez kurtulmak iรงin hฤฑzla boลalmak zorunda kaldฤฑm. Anlayacaฤฤฑnฤฑz yalandan aฤrฤฑyor bahanesiyle hiรง bir pozisyona girmek istemedi. Sonra baktฤฑm olmuyor, 30 saat geรงmiล ve kฤฑz hala seviลmek istemeyince paramฤฑn yarasฤฑnฤฑ istedim bana, boลaldฤฑn ya artฤฑk defolup gidebilirsin diyince, seviลmek istemedin 30 dakika beni oyalayฤฑp paramฤฑn รผzerine mi konacaksฤฑn diyerek paramฤฑn yarฤฑsฤฑnฤฑ zorla da olsa aldฤฑm ve buluลmanฤฑn yarฤฑsฤฑnda รงฤฑktฤฑm.
Anlayacaฤฤฑnฤฑz beyler, kฤฑzda GFE kesinlikle yok! 20 dakika zorla seviลiyor gรถzรผkรผp 1 saatin รผzerine ve bรผtรผn paranฤฑzฤฑn รผzerine yatmaya รงalฤฑลan kฤฑzlardan bu kฤฑz. Ayrฤฑca รงok kaba bir kฤฑz. O yรผzden asla yaklaลmayฤฑn derim! Ama paranฤฑzฤฑ รงรถpe aktmak istiyorsanฤฑz bir ลey diyemem tabi!
Guys, stay away!!!
If you don't want your money to be laid on, stay away! Don't mind her beauty! There are no lies or omissions among what I will write here, trust me!
Today, we agreed with Angel agency for a 1 hour meeting. As soon as I entered the room, the girl started to show her negative energy... she started saying go to the shower with a sullen expression, pointing with her finger without even looking at me, so I started feeling depressed from the very beginning. When I took the shower and came back, I tried to kiss her put she said that she does not kiss, and as she was saying "fuck, come and go" she lay on the bed very quickly and asked me to start.Then, when I started kissing her vagina, just few seconds after she started to say "come lets start with fucking" without even allowing me to kiss her vagina. Hence, she was ruching out.Then after providing a blowjob for 10 seconds, she put the condom on and asked me to start. Then, when I started to fuck her I had to change my position in every 10 seconds as she was always standing and escaping to her phone with the reason that it hurst's her (which is not true as I was not getting hard!). At the end she asked me to to doggy, and when I started with the doggy, after few seconds she looked at me saying with a rude attitude to fuck quickly and come until she escaped once again with swearing.
Thus, the girl does not do GFE! This girl is one of those girls who pretend to force to have sex for 20 minutes and try to lie down for the whole hour and all your money. She is also a very rude! That's why I say never come close! But if you want to waste your money then that would be your choice!