Brian was a normal 18 year old kid. He fantasized about celebs alot. And got decent grades! What more is there. One day Brian came home from school. About 3 seconds after walking in the door he heard his 7 year old brother Ian calling him,"Brian come help me get my ball down its caught in the tree. "Brian heard the shower running so he knew his mom was in the shower because his father left his girlfriend(Brians Mom) when she got pregnant at 35. So since his mom couldnt here him his quick response was ,"Hey Ian" "Yeah"his brother called. "Shut the FUCK UP!" Biiig mistake his brother jumped at the oppurtunity. He told Brian he was gonna tell there mother if he didn't get his ball. "Alright just be quiet," Brian begged. So he went outback, climbed the tree and when he was just high enoughhe looked over the fence and couldn't believe what he saw! His new neighbor was tanning. Without a top. Brian never looked at porn and except for the time he accidently saw his mom in the shower this was the first female body part he ever saw. He started fantasizing . "Hey Brian give me the ball" At first he thought it was his dream and his neigbor was calling for his nuts.
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