It all started this couple went to a strip club, it was the wife birthday a she was curious if strip clubs like how all women stereo type strip clubs, it was not all bad, the women could have been more pretty, And all the women paid complete attention her, there was this one Chickie by the name of LEXUS that approach Doreen about two times and ask if she was interested in a lap dance or couple dance. Aaron said he was not interested but he want his wife Doreen to have one. Doreen tried to explain that at first she was nervous and then Lexus came up to Doreen and said it's OK. Finally Doreen said OK. And Aaron got Lexus attention and ask her for the lap dance, Doreen got the lap dance it lasted about 18 minutes and sitting on the side of the champagne room that is were the do the dances Lexus had a pretty faces but a ugly body, Then after words Aaron and Doreen went back into the lobby and watched me dancers then there was this cool ass chick she just walk right to Doreen and ask if could sit on her lap or Doreen will sit on her lap. This when it gets good Aaron and Doreen and Samantha they were sitting and talk Doreen was unbuttoning her blouse a little bite she got hot, Samanthatold Doreen that she has nice tits and she wanted to see them, Aaron said go ahead. Samantha look down Doreen shirt to see her Dore ens tits, after sitting there and talking to her for about 18 minutes we all noticed that all the men left.
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