I was 18 at the time when I first had sex, and it was with the hottest girl in school. Her name was Emily. She was Italian with sun-kissed skin, hair a gorgeous shade of light brown and big brown eyes. Her boobs were about a 32B, not to bad for a 18 year old (we were both in the same grade, as well as the same age. ) Her body was curvaceous with extremely sexy legs with a tight little ass. She was captain of the gymnastics team, which resulted in her delectable body. I thought about her very often and would often daydream in the classes I had with her about what I would do to her. I thought about her ass and how I wanted to spank her. I wanted to fuck her mouth and hear her gag on my 6 inch cock. I wanted to suck on her tits and cover her face with my cum.
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