I like taken my bath on the weekend when T om not there to bother me just to lay in the tub and relaxed. After about an hour when I decided to get out ,the oil from the bath made my body shine made me glad I was still in good shape an I like to admire my self in the mirrow,when I saw a figure in the mirrow it actually scare the piss out of me ,it dribble down my leg. It was Amandy she was totally nude and putting a strap on on. She told me she just got it an wanted to try it out, I told her you could of knock and wouldn't of scare the piss out of me. Let me tell you about Amanda her mother turn her in to a lesbian at age 18 , she 28 an dam she is good looking, she has a brother an her mother is divorce ,men didn't work out for her, any way Amanda a pole dancer an right now she has a pole she wants to insert in me. She does do men once in a while Tom will be sorry he not here. Amanda putting lube jell on the strap on ,an I'm getting horny watch her rub her hand up and down the shaft I still have water on me since I didn't get a towel to dry off. Amanda came over an kiss me hard and I kiss her back I push my tongue into her mouth, she run her hand slowly down my body an in between my legs an pushing my legs apart so she could in sert a finger. I was haven an orgasm now ,Amanda said that didn't take you long I lower my head an put a tit into my mouth as I pinch her other one.
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