As you no now I am a slutty whore,and now my husband noesiteverything now I'm more comfortable with my self. Now I go out looking for men, preference black I want that biggest cock I can find. Now Tom is take male enhancement . I told him he didn't half to do that but he wants to do it for me. It been months since he taken themhe has growing in inch and thickness, he just love it when I go sucking his cock when we go out some were no place specialhe were short short and not were under were, an wantsmeto master bate him when he pass a car only if a women by her self and she can see it I,ll even go down on him. A lot of them will try to keep up but we just play with them ,see what there going to do. We stop at a restroomwhen I need to be fuck I need it now . I,ll check the women room out if no one,s in there once he put that cock deep inside me I don't care who the fuck come in,there been women come in and head strait for the stall, they even stop to wash there hands. You can see there lookingbut not wanting to see you watching. Tom get a little inbariste , when we leave he satisfied and I am cant wait to get back on the road and play with my self the men will always stay up close just to see that Pusey . Truck drive go crazy stick there tongue out wanting to eat your Pusey I,ll open my legs wider to give them a better look. Tom makes a few calls ,when we arrive at the house there to men in the kitchen eaten, I said help your self boys. But I got something better for you to eat, I took off my clothes pull out a chair and sat down my pussy was still wet as I put two finger in me, I watch the cocks raising up they put down there sand witch one played with my tits and started to pinch them ,well the other one was darting his tongue in me.
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