Tom and I went home for a family reunion, back to Ohio they held them at a cottage on the lake it was really Nice use to like to stay there all summer when school got out.Dad was no longer there so mom depended on the kids to help with taken care of the place. It was nice to see all aunt and uncles and cousin.But I didn't have sex in a week and I was fuck en horny,I couldn't wait till everybody left today it would only be me Tom and my mom. Just to keep Tom thinking about me when I went to the bathroom I took of my pantie, when I met Tom outside I started messing with him ,I sat on his lap and could fillcock risen he hated when I did that to him in front all the people around. I took my panties from my pocket and put it to his nose, I felt his penis hit sold rock as I hand him his smelling sauce referring to my pantie,I got up and left I could here him call me a mother fucker under his breath.W ell everybody left and we were cleaning up and of to bed ,I went five minutes before Tom he must of been think about it all day he was standing at attention when his shorts came off.
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