After the week end with Bob all I could think of was that big fucking cock he had,an boy do I need it I gave him a big beautiful blow job but I need it in my cunt and ass. I found his phone number and call him that night,Tom was upstairs and hope he didn't here me . I went up and told him I was going to sub in my mother poker night game which they play card three or four times a week. I when into the bathroom to get dress,I put on a tank top and no brae a short skirt if I bend over you can see ever thing.Well Tom like to see me dress slut an decide not to were any pantie. I told Tom I parable would be late When I arriveBob place his brother was thereI new I was in for a treat. Bob came over and put his hand up my skirt an I was so wet his finger slid right in when his brother chuck came over and grab one of my boobs I reach down and started stroke his cock which was pretty much erect. I went down and unzip Chuck pants and pulled out his penis it was not the size of Bobs I could taste the precum on him as he started mouth fucking me.
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