It all starts out at a parking lot of a Meijer supermarket. Brian, a student from AHHS is on chase after his girlfriend left him down the street. Stephanie, also a student has to stop for oncoming traffic. Stephanie, 36-42-36 5' 10" Size C breasts stops at the intersection because one of her doors is ajar. She turns and spies Brian. "Brian what the hell are you doing?" "Stephanie, please, I love you, dont let it be this way", Brian says. He leans into the passanger door and stops her car. "Brian, I cant do that anymore, we need some time alone" Two unsuspecting girls show up and ask what is the problem. Stephanie and Brian tell them their story and the girls suggest that they put it all aside and make out in the car. So Brian and Stephanie did. As soon as Brian started to make out, the girls suggest that they take them to this house, a house of fun, so that they could have that alone time that they wanted.
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