When I was in high school, I was constantly horny. Once at a party with my friends, we decided to play a couple of prank calls on people we knew. One of the people we ended up calling was the younger sister (only 15) of one of our friends who hadn't shown up at the party. We had attempted to prank call our friend first, but after he didn't pick up his cell, we decided to call his hot younger sister, Michelle. Using famous actor soundboards, we asked Michelle during a conversation to whether she liked to suck cocks. Michelle, who obviously had a friend in the background who egged her on, told us she was a cock sucker and proud of it. She even said that if we came to her house right now, she would suck our dicks. Michelle was a fairly attractive girl, not a bombshell, but she had a decent body. She had never had a boyfriend though since she tried to focus on school and she obviously had needs which had not been met. About five minutes after the call, I made some excuse to leave the party. I drove as fast as I could to Michelle's house.
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