Topic: Abused by neighbor 2He took me upstairs to my room: he pushed me inside and told me to get some rest, Tired as I was from the rape I crawled into bed. I felt my asshole burning and hurting. Lying there I went through all the feelings and happenings of that day and wondered what would come next…That evening he opened my door walking to my bed and tossed the blankets of me… I was still half a sleep when he pulled the panties down leaving me naked under the skirt, which I was still wearing. He then pulled me of the bed and grabbed my hands leading me to the living room where 4 guys were sitting. They all looked at me with lustful eyes. My neighbor told me they were his friends who came over to enjoy this little slut, meaning me off course. I then realized I would have to satisfy all these guys by being there little whore-bitch. One guy pulled his cock out and my neighbor told me to go suck him. I went over very slow and kneeled down and took his huge cock in my mouth he laid his hands on my head pushing his cock real deep in my mouth, making me gag. I then heard another guy coming behind me, unzipping his pants lubricating my asshole and then pushing his head against my star and gliding inside me I screamed from pain because of the rough way he did it and also my asshole was still hurting from the rape earlier that day. The other guys were filming and taking pictures of me while sucking and fucking their friends. I felt such a slut-boy, but the tears were running. Suddenly I felt the cock in my mouth stiffen and his cum shot right in my throat making me gag even more… “swallow it you bitch” which I tried to do, but yet again it was to much for me to swallow.
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