No longer able to contain himself, he gently pulled down her covers, revealing to his needy eyes,sleeping nipples covered by a cotton crop top, with a tiny pink bow between her budding breasts. He longed to taste her sweet silky nipples. He continued his rolling back of the blankets providing the most delicious view he had ever seen of a barely concealed cotton covered cunt. Her little panties hugged her hips, molding to them like skin. Showing every inch of her smooth, babylike skin. He couldnt help but trace a finger over her through her thin white panties. He could just see the pale blonde hair bristling beneath his caress through the cotton. In that moment he hated that cotton. All he could think of was tearing it off her tight young body, and exploring every inch of her. He could almost imagine her innocent reactions to his hard swollen cock pressing into her innocent virgin flesh. Pounding her cunt for the first time. Watching her features stretched taut as she flew over the edge. Feeling her shudder against his skin.
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