One day i spent the night out at my friends house i was 18 at the time. My friend was in his room n my other friends were on the coach while i got the other room. I woke up early that morrning to amanda right infront of me. i had taken my patns off before i went to sleep and i dick found its way out of my boxers(n i had a morning wood that day). I tried to pretend that i was a sleep but she knew i was awake then she said"what is that?" and she pointed to my dick. i told her to get out of the room but she wouldnt leave until i told her. so i explained to her i was my dick and that is what is used to make babies, she was pretty cool with it and asked if i could show her. sincei knew my friends wouldnt be up for awhile i said yes. I told her she could never tell anyone about this and then i told her to get undressed. We both got naked and i told her she had 2 make it hard again she asked how and i told her to put it in her mouth and suck on it but not to bite it. She stuck my dick in her mouth and started to suck on it , it felt so good i told her to get ready cause i was going to cum in her mouth ask me what that was i told her she wouldnt find out. she keep sucking until i blew my load in her mouth , it started to leak out the side of her mouth but i told her to swallow it. she said she didnt like that taste but wanted more. I layed down on the bed and told her to get on top of me i told her to try to get my dick in her pussy she didnt exectly know but i helped with it.
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