I'm sitting at my computer reading stories an getting fucking horny rubbing my cunt, taken my clothes of so I can masturbate and pinch my nipples when Rex my Irish setter come in ,I swing my chair aroundand open my leg so he can see my wet cunt. I let him lick my wet fingers as his tongue starts licking my leg up to my pussy ,his tongue is a little rough but fills good . I spread my lips open so he can get his tongue started in me ,he lick it way up inside of me like 6" ,it take only a couple of minute when I start gushing out cum in his thirst mouth , his tongue goes into overdrive as he laps up every drop. Rex lies on the floor clean his cock with that large tongue of his,I reach over and rub his shield as he stop and look at me, wagging his tail now his red tips is come out I gave his cock a lick and he jump upand started jump ing over me ,I got up on my knee an Rex running around me jump on my leg an hump it rubbing his cock up and down my leg.
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