
Drugged By My Cum Chapter 13

Mind Control

I was so giddy about what was on the agenda for Wednesday that I barelygot three hours of sleep Tuesday night. When the alarm clock woke me upWednesday morning, I was kind of overwhelmed by the reality that I hadmanaged to pull this off. It was now just before the Thanksgivingholidays and I was planning a real feast, but not one involving a cookedbird.

I picked Marisa up to walk to school with her. She was wearing a jacketto protect herself from the cold, rainy weather, but she was nonethelessin a skirt with her cunt bereft of any covering. All that cold air wasblowing across her cooch the whole time. Before first period, I snuck afew feels of that beautiful slit and she didn't resist. The clock seemedto move with all the alacrity of an Bangkok traffic jam. Finally, sixthperiod arrived and, as Marisa had demanded, Mr. Pulaski sent me anotice to come to the office 18 minutes before school let out. Then hesent another missive, this one to Miss Shell, asking her to see him assoon as her final class of the day ended.

I walked to the office with all the glee of someone seeing thePublisher's Clearing House van pulling up in front of his house. Ihanded the form to one of the office girls, who notified Mr. Pulaskithat I was there. 20 minutes later, Miss Shell walked in and wasimmediately ushered into Mr. Pulaski's office.

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   I sat there with my heartbeating 300 mph. Marisa had walked in to join me and I held her hand aswe waited to see what would unfold. The instruction to Mr. Pulaski wasto give Miss Shell a review of her work performance and to pull out theKit Kat bar as he did so and offer her one. He was to take his piecesfrom the front and hers from the back of the bar. If she refused, hewasn't to push it but just carry on and then offer it to her again butnot in overly assertive way and leave it at that. He was to come and getMarisa and I if she had eaten one. It was weird sitting there whileeverybody was vacating the campus. Happily, after I had waited 45minutes on that hard long bench chair in the office, he came out andsignaled to me to enter. "Fuck yeah!" I silently celebrated.

Marisa and I went in and there was Miss Shell traveling her innercosmos. I whispered to Marisa to tell Mr. Pulaski to sit quietly and letus do what we wanted. She did so. I whispered into Miss Shell's earabout how she was now obedient to me and would discover how good thatcan feel.

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   I undid her blouse and bra, her massive boobs tumbling out. She had sweet pink nipples and I couldn't help but to feel their weightand dimension. I covered her mouth with my own and she instinctivelykissed me back while my cock scraped against the fabric of my boxers andpants. I was so hard I thought it would burst open like an overcookedhot dog. I separated the clasp of her slacks and unzipped them, slidingmy hand under the waistband of her panties and over her snatch. She wasalready wet as I kept kissing her and running my tongue over hers. Itold Marisa to make sure that the door was locked. I punched two fingersthrough her opening and strummed her g spot. I dropped my head to suckher nipples. I had Melissa put her hand over Miss Shell's mouth tomuffle her moans. I pulled my fingers out and licked them clean to savorthe taste of her gulley hole.

I would have fucked her right there, of course, but it would have beenway too risky. So Marisa and I made sure Miss Shell looked respectableagain before Marisa directed Mr. Pulaski to take her to a nearby moteland rent the room under his name. He was to drive her in her car thereand then walk back to school and get in his own and go home.

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   He was alsonot to mention what happened to anyone and to believe that Miss Shellwas an excellent teacher and good person and to demand sex from no oneother than his wife. He indicated his assent. Marisa told him to sendeverybody in the office home, which he did. About 20 minutes later, hepatiently led Miss Shell to her car and drove her to the motel while Iwalked there by myself once I had Marisa go home. But first, Marisaasked for Mr. Pulaski's personal cellphone number, which she wrote down,and then relayed it to me so I could input it into my phone. She wasnot to enter it in her directory.

I kissed Marisa goodbye and headed to the motel. On the way, after about15 minutes had passed, I phoned Mr. Pulaski to ask for Miss Shell'sroom number. He informed me of it and, ten minutes hence, I arrived atthe motel room. Mr. Pulaski let me in and then he set out for his house. Miss Shell laid there on the bed lost in some segment of unreality. Ished my clothes and then pulled hers off, leaving that hot ass body ofhers out in the open for my enjoyment.

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   I cradled her in my arms andkissed her, her instincts reawakening and responding in kind, me diggingon how soft and lush her lips felt against mine and tasting her tongue. I felt her hand on my dick while I groped her boobs. I really wanted totake my time because I didn't know how many more times I would get todo this. "Surely, she has a boyfriend," I thought.

I moved to exerting friction on her clit and my mouth slid down to herample bosom. I must have spent 20 minutes just sucking, licking andlightly nibbling her nipples. She was moaning and sighing as my fingersfiddled her nubbin and I eventually pushed her over the edge in a hailof panting and gasping. She absolutely inundated my hand when she landedon the summit of Pleasure Mountain, so it wasn't only Abbey who was asquirter! Wanting to sample her juices, I kissed down her belly to hergarden, which was fronted by a tuft of blonde pubic hair. My startingline was her inner thighs and I bit, sucked and licked them clean beforeorienting myself for her main street, sweeping my tongue all over hervulva to lure more of her moisture into my mouth. I so wanted to fuckher at that point, but I was intent on really exploiting this chance toravish the hottest teacher at our school.

I attacked her clit like it was someone who had wronged my family,giving it a good beatdown with my tongue, my fingers adding to thestimulation with their teasing of her g spot. Her breathing became rapidand shallow and she pressed her nails into my biceps during the buildupbefore the heat fragmented into a million pieces and rushed through herbody, making her scream and gasp all at once, my face now drenched bythe tide of splattering water that issued from her vagina. I continuedon my campaign to see how wet I could get both me and the sheets bygetting her off with my licker. I was on that for 45 minutes and, by theend of it, it was like she had urinated on my face and the bed after anight of heavy drinking. She was also just about out of breath.

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I moved up on her and looked down at her gorgeous beatific smile as Ichauffeured my cock to her sacred gate. I pushed her vaginal walls apartwith it and I could now officially cross fucking a teacher off mybucket list. I got up a head of steam and again felt that plushsensation that a mature woman's body is imbued with while I sucked hernipples, my back bowed upward so I could do both with passion and force. She automatically lifted her legs on to my back , which was a killerfeeling all by itself, while I burrowed into her nonstop, my precumjoining all that lubrication she had between her vaginal walls. Her cuntwas almost sucking me on each instroke and that worked me up in fairlyshort order to a fever pitch and I had to pull out and kneel over her toevacuate my balls on her face by massaging my rod with my righthand.

"Did you like doing this?" I asked her. In a dreamy tone, she answeredin the affirmative. I held her as I gazed at that stellar face and justhad to kiss her again. We had a long, slow and loving kissing session. Iwas totally in heaven. As much as I loved Marisa and wouldn't trade herfor anyone on the planet, Miss Shell was just amazing to fuck. Thisraised the ardor of my teenage lust again and my dick went in forseconds, Miss Shell further watering the sheets and me with one orgasmafter another. "She must be unbelievable when she's fully conscious!" Iguessed silently.

I flipped the tv on and watched it with her cradled in my left arm forthe next few hours. When it got to be 9 p.

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  m. , I grabbed a towel andstood her up. I sopped up any lingering wetness on her body, pussy, assand legs and then helped her into her clothes and shoes. I looked downon her and kissed her passionately. I escorted her into the motelparking lot and into the driver's side of her car, leaving the key inthe room so she wouldn't know which one she had been in. I watched fromthe alley to ensure that she left the premises okay, which she did at10:30, when I expected her to be lucid. I called Terry to come pick meup and take me home so I wouldn't risk getting sussed by the cops.





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