I learned how to jack off at that age as my older brother taught me how. I would jack off at least four times a week. I learned to play with my balls to get the maximum results. I never had a thought about sucking a dick i just taught all my friends how to do it. Most of the time i would have them lay on their bed and i would jack them off. I learned to massage their balls and sometimes take my finger and put it in their ass to make it feel better. I did this for several years untill we moved. The next time i had a feeling i was twenty three and worked with this guy that was a really cool guy. We spent a lot of time together and finally one day i ask him if i could jack him off. He got mad and didnt talk to me for a few days. But one afternoon he came up to me and said he wanted me to jack him off cause he wanted to see what it feels like for some body else to do it. We went to his house and i met his wife. He told her we were going to the garage for awhile. As soon as we got there he took his pants off and sat down on a couch he had out there.
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