Carrie turned on the Television as she sat down on tthe four poaster bed. "Hey"Sahra said,"Jerry Springer comes on in like a min. Let's watch that. ""Sounds cool!"Watching the first few minuets of Jerry was boring untill it came a time for a wife to confess to her husband a lesbian affair she'd been having for several months. Seeing the two girls kiss on tv was turning Sahra on. "I wonder what that's like. "Sahra asked,looking at Carrie. "Mmm, me too. " Carrie replied back giving her best friend a grin. She then crawled to the spot on the bed where Sahra sat and pushed her gently back on the pillows. Shara wrapped her arms around Carrie and started to kiss her eventually slipping her moist tounge in Carrie's mouth. Carrie lifted her head up . "I think we should do more. " She went back to kissing her as she slipped her hand benieth Sahra's shirt and fondled with her size 38 C tits. She then unbuttoned it,encluding her bra, and started sucking on her erected nipples. Sahra let out a small gasp from the enexperienced pleasure.
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