I always thought me and my best friend Cami had a different friendship. It all started in 6th grade, I started noticing her in a different way than usual. She actually looked very hot to me. She was shorts and skinny with long blonde hair. I was taller with shorter blonde hair. We had started getting closer and stuff. I actually fell completly in love with her I just never told her. One night in 8th grade, I decided to invite her over to stay the night. When she arrived she was in very tight short shorts and Cami has such and amazing ass. We went in my room and laid on the bed watching television for awhile. We heard my parents go to bed. I looked over and she had her shirt pulled half way up, I couldn't help myself I started kissing her stomach all over slowly. She smiled and seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did. The next thing I know she was taking off my shirt feeling my breast. She was running her thumb over my nipples making them very hard.
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