RUKHSANA,S ORAL ADDICTION SUHAIL BEG Rukhsana ,,,she is my first cousin and we both have crush for each other. She was planning to visit my town ,so we planed to make this visit a memorable event for both of us. we wanted to have wild sex as we were craving for each other since long. Rukhsana is fond of oral sex and many time we had done this act at our best She wants to be licked and sucked always and enjoys it very much. As we could not do anything at home so I booked a hotel room in a five star marked hotel in my town. Setting: High-rise hotel room overlooking the city, room windows open on a chilly autumn night, lights off with only the moonlight flooding the room. Rukhsana wearing a black Shalwar(pants) and matching shirt,and black stiletto heels. As we walk in the room Rukhsana shiver and glance back at me with a grin and look of disbelief. I assure Rukhsana that I will do my best to keep Rukhsana warm. I wrap my arms around Rukhsana and nuzzle my face into Rukhsan,s hair against the back of Rukhsan,s neck. I kiss Rukhsan on neck gently as Rukhsana toss Rukhsan her hair to the side and smile. My hands slide to Rukhsan,shoulders as I slip her jacket off and let it drop to the floor. My hands wrap back around her waist, sliding up under her full breasts, cupping them firmly. Rukhsan,s nipples reacting immediately to the chilled air, pushing against the soft fabric, threatening to snap the already strained straps holding her top. Rukhsana turn around, bringing her arms up between her breasts, burying her face into my chest as Rukhsana whimper softly. I guide Rukhsana back to the bed, stopping as her legs reach the side.
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