She just stood there and stared. We started to move for our clothes when she told us, "Did I say to get dressed?" And with that she reached over, grabbed the phone, and called us both in sick for school. She turned to us and took of all her clothes except for green thong, and told us, " come suck on mama's titties. " We walked over and each took a nipple into our mouth. She reached down, and with one hand grabbed Mason's rock hard cock, and inserted one finger into my cunt. She ask Mason, "How did you fit in here when you're so big and shes so tight?" Mason replied, "Shes so wet. " Then my mom said, "Well, how would you like a new toy?" So he moved over and pulled her thong off, reveling her bushy cunt. He put his cock where he thought her slit was, but since he was wrong, my mom reached down and put it in as she brought me to a sudden, guishing orgasm.
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