As I sat in the closet and wonder what to do my uncle walk back in followed by his mom. And then what happen next well shock me for the rest of my life, I saw my uncle drop his robe and grab his mom and push her down to suck his cock. I was in shock and could not belive this, as I coutinue to watch I saw his mom grab his cock and started to suck it and lick it up and down. I could not belive this for this was like a dream come true for me. I pull my cock out and really started to work it. My uncle mom was about in her late 60 not to bad but kind of fat. I watch my uncle cock go in and out of her mouth and her sucking his balls. my uncle pull her up and told her to get undress. She was old but that fat pussy and hairy got me going. His mom bent over the bed and my uncle started to eat her ass out. I shot my load but never once did I stop looking. I could hear them talking about how she like sucking his cock and fucking her son. How they been fuck so long and and so on. My uncle got up and place his cock at the pussy and slowly went in. His mom was talking so dirty and he was slaping her ass.
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