It all happened a few years back when I was 18 My sister had moved out(she was 20 at the time) but only to our family guest house. Every so often I would come home and stop by to say hi and she gladily welcomed me in. On this occasion I had gotten into a fight with my girlfriend earlier that week and she hadnt been putting out. I was ithcing for some ass. So i knocked on the doo rand went right end. My sister way laying on the the ocuch and welcomed me to sit by her head on the edge, so i did. we talked a little when i noticed that she had a tatoo on her belly. The tatoo said fresh. As i admired it she slowly lifted her shirt up to let me get a better view. I immediatley notice adn began to get hard. Let me describe my sisiter to you. She is about 5'5 perfect coke bottle shape. 36C breast a small waist and a big ass. She lifts her shirt soo high that i can now see her bra.
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