My name is Luke. I'm 24 and I'm quite attracitve, muscular, tall, dark. This happened last year and I want to shar it with everyone. Last year I had just split up with my long term partner Carly. She was incredibly fit but things just didn't work out and we left each other. I was feeling pretty down so my brother invited me over to his house for dinner and a few drinks. I arrivedatt his house about 8 pm and his wife, Lauren, answered the door. I've always like Lauren. A 5ft 6 strawberry blonde with long legs 36D tits and the sexiest ass you've ever seen. She was wearing a short cocktail dress which was incredibly tight and was teasing me from the moment I saw her. "Hello Luke" she said in a sexy voice, "I'm sure you'll enjoy tonight""I'm sure I will" I replied and I gave her a cheeky wink. We went into the living room and I sat down and started to talk to my brother. I had a couple of beers and Lauren kept walking past, her ass bouncing up and down and teasing me.
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