Cant really remember how that day went but as the day started I remember I help out around the house and the Andersons there. Its been about 3 years and I try to stay away from Mr. Anderson so I would not feel uncomforable around him. Since the last time I saw him naked jerking off I would sometimes stick my finger in my ass hole while I was jerking off. I cant explain it but like the feel in my ass hole. I never thought I was gay because I would always peep at my mom when she in the shower or changin cloths. I love to touch my cock( maybe 5 1/2) feel it while my mom peel her panties off and see her hairy pussy watch her bend down and see her ass hole. I would then look at my cock while I was stroken it and think about my moms pussy juices all over it. That day I was in my bedroom when Mrs. Anderson pass by and I heard the badroom door close.
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