That's it suck daddy's big cock !!you love daddy's big cock don't you. My wife mumbled something but I could not make it out due to what see had in her mouth. Her dad then said, Come up here I want to put it in you !!My wife then got onto the bed. I made it to the edge of the door just as she was spreading her legs wide bent at the knees. I watched as her father positioned himself between her out streached legs and that is when I saw it,as he pushed my wifes legs back against her chest. His cock was the biggest I have ever seen. It was not only long but thick as well. I would say it was 2 1/2 times bigger than mine and I'm a little under 6 inches. I watched as my wife grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down her swollen slit from her asshole to her clit. she would tease him by holding it at her entrance and just as he started to push down she would move it up or down. He was begging by now so she placed the head at her opening then used her fingers of both hands to hold her lips apart. She then told him to put it in, but, to go slow until she got use to it. Her dad however was so worked up he plunged down with one powerful stroke after another until he had worked himself to the hilt. I noticed my wife had tears leaking out the corner of her eye as he came to rest deep in her belly. Her dad stayed still until my wife started to hump her hips up and down the best she could with her legs so far back. Her dad then began a slow in and out motion that caused my wife to moan and ask for more.
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