Beauty, power and wrongnessThis story is fictional, nothing mentioned in this story is true, names, objects places or things that matches in this story is coincidence and I beg to say that this is just a simple story to amuse other people, enjoy. I’m just a normal dad that would have a usual routine through everyday life, a routine that most working-men go through, wake up, clean up, dress up, eat, read and go, that was every morning. But one day was different as I woke up as usual and limped my way to the bathroom as I was still tired, after I was done I made my way downstairs to see my kids getting ready for school, I conversed. “Hey, Gavin, Anjeal”“Hey Dad” s they would both say simultaneously, they were both aged 15, I always had fantasies of doing my own girl, but that’s because she’s amazingly beautiful and has a nice-set but I would never because that would just be perverted and I am not that man, I just like to keep fantasies as “fantasies” and nothing more, I just hope she finds the right man for her. “Dad, I need some money” Gavin says“What for son?”“Well, I have this um-uh”“What?”“This, uh. . . this thing I have to do”“What thing”“Uhh. . . I have to pay for my. . . field trip”“Where’s the sheet”“Damn”“You were gonna buy something bad weren’t ya?”“Yes, Dad”“What then?”“I was gonna buy some alcohol”“Hey, you told the truth, I better not get mad, just don’t let your mom know”“Thanks Dad, your the best I knew I could rely on you”“Just don’t take advantage of me next time”I continued finishing my meal, then it happened I was reading my newspaper as I looked up, I saw my girl accidently spill some milk on the table, she wasn’t wearing a bra and a semi-transperent shirt, I could see her huge racks but I didn’t say anything as I just quickly lifted up my paper again, she seemed to take notice of this, her shirt was now wet and very clearly you could see her nipples and rack. My son got up and said“Dad, I have to go right now, got some homework I have to finish”My wife stared at me and then said to Anjeal“Oops, huh now that’s something you don’t see everday, go get changed honey”“But this is my last dress left!”“Wear the other one”“But Mom! That exposes many parts of my body”“Men like that heh, I’m just joking what else is there?”“Nothing”I joined in“Honey, wear something else, I don’t want you showing that off in front of guys” I said that because every time she gets that uniform it gives me an instant-erection that I can’t seem to able to hide. “Mom! What else do we have”“You can borrow my shirt to put over that uniform”“Thanks mom”I got up and got ready for work as I did so my daughter marched downstairs with that uniform, but she wasn’t wearing that shirt, It happened as I tried to hide it, I stared and then just said“I need to use the bathroom!”She seemed to also take notice of this but I was hoping she didn’t see anything revealing.
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