I was staying with a friend for a weekend and after he and his wife went to bed, leaving me to watch a porn, I was hard and horny and decided to use the bathroom before jacking off. As I came back from the bathroom I saw the door to his Daughter's room slightly open and a light still on. I looked in and saw his Daughter (Deb ) lying on her bed, uncovered and naked. I couldn't resist going in and taking a look, as she looked 20. She had ample breasts and a sweet hairless cunt. I started stroking my cock thru my pants and couldn't resist taking it out and lying it in her out stretched hand. As I did her hand slightly curled around my hard cock, but she continued to sleep. I slowly started to fuck her hand, it felt so good. She stirred slightly and turned over onto her stomach, and spreading her legs wide, giving me a lovely view of her tight little ass. I couldn't resist . I slowly clinmbed on to the bed and slid my finger up and down her slit. As I did her cunt juices started to flow. I then bent down and licked that sweet ass. As I started to tongue her asshole she again stirred.
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