hello , i'm Chris a 28 year old male and am currently goin out with Natasha a 23 year old short haired blonde. Shes reasonbly fit , with blues eyes an a come to bed smile like you would not believe. Now i knew she had previously had lesbian flings and had asked her wether a threesome would be possible the answer was "yes if its someone i fancy and shes willing" Now to my niece Emma a 18 year old brunette , shoulder length hair , 36c boobs ,curvy but in the right places , brown eyes and a personatilty to make her a dream catch, only i had never thought about her that way , UNTILL. Its my nieces Emma 15th birthday having asked her what she wanted "a good night out please" i replied "comon Emma your to young an your mum an dad probaly wont let you any way" Natasha my girlfiend says "leave it with me , but you will probaly have to spend the night with me an Chris " "kool "says Emma Has it turns out Natasha sweet talked Emma's dad with out to much hassle , that smile works wonders . Now the big night arrives an as we gettin ready to go an pick up Emma , Natasha gives me a drink , little did i know at the time this had 1 viagra in it. Natasha looks great in her little pinkish top semi transparrent in places an a tight pair of jeans that clung to her butt. We arrive to pick up Emma an beep of the horn Emma comes runnin out.
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