When the door opened I almost fell backwards shocked at the size of the naked woman standing before me. She was huge! I'd have to take a guess that she was at least 300 pounds, if not more. She quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house where two other women of the same caliber laid on the living room floor, one straddling the other kissing and groping each other. Fat women were not my thing but it was kind of a turn on watching how hungrily these women were for one another. The woman who opened the door to me went to her purse where she pulled out a stack of bills and placed them on the table in front of me. I picked up the stack counting ten, crisp one hundred dollar bills. Attractive or not, these girls were gonna get the best I had to offer. I had never seen so much money at one time. Fat was quickly becoming a big turn on for me. And the money didn't hurt either, in fact the thought of it made me grow large underneath my tight shorts. These ladies had to be the horniest women I had ever seen. They were all over me and each other like wild dogs to the kill.
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