I awoke with a bit of a start, Jim was pressed up against me, as he saw my eyes open he again gave me a kiss. John and Father Brian were engrossed in conversation, Jim continued to kiss me and his hands were working on my cock, bloody hormones of teenagers it was hard yet again. Jim slipped down my body and once again engulfed my cock this time he didn't rush just gentle use of lips and tongue, more flashes from across the room John took more photos. Father Brian went behind Jim I saw him positioning his cock before pushing it deep into Jim, who gave a bit of a grunt he stopped working on my cock for a few moments getting used to the motion of the larger cock inside him then returned to his ministrations on my cock. Father Brian didn't look like a man of God at that time, he seemed to be in his element fucking Jim, certainley not godly. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sensation that Jim was giving me something warm and hard butted against my lips opening my eyes I found John's cock there.
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