I jumped into the shower when me and Pete got back to the flat. Β we'd just won the game and had been for a few beers. Β when we got back we were both dirty and i jumped in first after a few minutes i realised i had forgot the shower gel. Β i shouted pete in and asked if hed pass me the gel, as his hand reached in he gave me the gel and his hand continued to my limp cock. Β i couldnt believe it we both had girlfriends and hed never spoke of this before. Β i asked him what was goin on,Β he apologised and left the room. Β i dont know whether it was the beer or temptation but i got out the shower and wrapped a towel round me and entered his room. Β he looked at me and started to apologise, he stood up and i told him to stop when i dropped my towel. Β i gripped him round the waist and started to kiss him at which point he shoved his tongue downn my throat. Β in a flurry of hands he ripped of his shirts and i pulled his pants and boxers down. Β I was totally shocked to see an enormous fully erect 18 inch cock spring out. my 8 inch cock,now seeming relatively small, suddenly became fully erect. Β Are kissing continued when his hand fell to my cock and he started to slowly stroke up and down. Β hisd head then dropped to my cock and he started to deep throat me ,at first slow but then faster while he stroked my balls.
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