my name is john and iย am 18 years old and one day when i was feelling depressed i decided to drink some alchohol that i found in my house. as i slowly started to get more and more drunk i started to get horny. forced sex and rape always turned me on and i would read stories about it on sexstoriespost. com and while i was getting drunk i was on my computer on MSN. now it was about 3 in the mourningย and my ex-girlfriend megan was online at the time so i started talking to her. usually i dont talk to her and i have her blocked but tonight i was drunk and bored and i felt like having some fun. so we started talking andi said to her we should hang out some time and she said ya thats a good idea so she said when and i said how about now you only live a couple house down from me we could hang out and talk about things. she said ok ill be there in about 18 minutes i just have to get ready. so i waited 18 minutes and finnaly there was a knock on my door. i greeted her and led her to my bedroom where i said it was nice a private and it was somwhere where we could talk. now while i was waiting for her before i had secrectly put a knife in my pocket and when we got into my room i grabbed her from behind and put the knife to her throat and said we are going to have some fun tonight and if your tell anyone i will kill you and to prove i waqnt lying i cut her arm i little bit just so it started bleeding a bit. now i said the first thing youare going to do is simple you will pull down my jeans and underwear and start sucking on my cock and you better do it real good or your going to get hurt worse then before. so she started unzipping my pants and she slowly pulled them down i could tell she was nervous so i slpped across the face and told her to get on with it. so as she pulled down my boxers revealing my 6 inch cock she grabbed it and started sucking. ii felt so good in her warm mouth as her tounge swirled around my cock.
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