I lay there for what seems like forever until they come back in, scooting my body as close to the wall and nearest corner I can find I try to hide myself from them, to no avail I might add. The tall guy with dirty blonde hair says to the other guy, did you move the van around to the back door? The other guy says yup sure did, lets get this bitch out to the van and then lets enjoy our two days off screwing the hell out of her. With that said they reach down and grab me up, kicking and trying to scream through the tape gag on my mouth, and then carry me out tossing me into the back of a gray van. The blonde haired man hops into the back of the van with me, while the other guy grabs the driver’s seat, starts the van and takes off. The blonde guy grabs me and pulls me roughly against his chest and starts to pinch my tits, flipping them, twisting them, it feels like he’s trying to tear them off. Using one hand, I feel him reach down and unbutton his pants, letting his straining cock bounce free from its confines. Letting go of my tits he grabs my waist pulling me up off the ground and onto my knees, pushing my back as far down as it will go making my face rub the floor of the van. With exploring fingers he starts to rub around my slit. Then with one hand he guides his penis to my entrance, then he slams it home hitting my cervix and causing me extreme pain.
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