
Luke's Jamaican Vacation


 Luke Powers: Black Master   Chapter 4: "Luke's Jamaican Vacation"   (See the "XXX-Women" series, "Perils of Greggie-Poo" series and"Misadventures of Mishi" series for more Luke Powers action!)   Richard Pagginton the Third had it all.   He was a successfulbusinessman, a multi-millionaire and still in his 30's!  He had all theright connections - his father had gone to Yale & Harvard, and his fatherbefore him.   He didn't even have to take entrance exams.   From there it waseasy - a plum do-nothing position at his father's investment firm, stockoption bonuses, a few insider stock trades here and there that the FECwould never look into and he was richer than most Americans ever dream ofbeing.   It was almost too easy.    He was amazingly lucky in love, too.   His wife, a mere 18 years old, wasthe absolute vision of purity and beauty.   Here eyes were large, crystalblue and her bone structure was just perfect.   She looked like an angel onEarth.   While he wasn't ugly, he wasn't handsome, either.   He was kind ofshort for a man - only 5'6" and rather skinny but with a bit of a gut atthe same time.   Sitting around an office all day playing solitaire isn'tgreat for his physique.   And he was pretty sure his hairline was receding. But he knew Bunni would never leave him, she adored him.   She came from avery wealthy, aristocratic white family, as well.   Her parents were friendsof his parents.

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    She was a bit of a rebel, though; she had a bit of a wildside.   But her best asset was surely her body.   She was a good 5'10", hadcreamy white skin, wavy naturally light blonde hair cut in a bob at hershoulders, large, firm breasts, a full C cup, and the most perfect ass Godhad ever sculpted.   And she was all his.   They'd met and married in lessthan 6 months.   It was almost too easy.    Of course, it helped being white.   After all, he knew, whites were justsmarter.   Better at business and all that.   Certainly other races had theirstrengths, too - Asians were hard workers, blacks were good at sports, etc. But white men, he knew, were really meant to be the ones runningeverything. They just naturally belonged in charge.   The world worked bestthat way, he assured himself.    As he looked around the beach at all the black waiters and waitresses,he affirmed his world view.   Here he and his wife were, on vacation at oneof the most expensive and exclusive resorts in the Caribbean.

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    And allaround them were the "natives", calling them "sir" and "ma'am" and waitingon them hand and foot.   And they all seemed so happy.   This must be thenatural order of things, he thought.    Turning his attention from his reverie back to his beautiful wife, helet his gaze caress her naked body.   She laid there in the sun, shininglike an ivory statue, her hair caught the sunlight and seemingly glowedgolden-white.   Of all the other women on this nude beach, none couldcompare to her stunning, natural beauty.   She turned her eyes from theromance novel she was reading and caught his gaze.    "What's the matter, honey?" her sweet voice lilted through the freshsea-breeze air.    "Nothing, nothing," he assured her, "it's just. . . "   She looked at him quizzically.    "I love you so much, Honey-Bunni. . .

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  " he proclaimed earnestly.    "Oh, Richie. . .   I love you, too!" she said as she reached out and heldhis hand with hers.    They smiled sweetly at each other, exchanged a light peck on the lipsand returned to their reading.    Richard flipped through his issue of "The Weekly Standard", reading anarticle about liberals whining over the loss of entitlement programs likeSocial Security, Medicare, Welfare and all those other rewards for lazy,poor people.   As far as Richard was concerned, those people got more thanthey deserved.   If they're not smart enough to succeed in the world, theyshouldn't complain and they certainly shouldn't expect the ones who *do*work for a living to support them!  It was absurd!  They should be happythey're not homeless and living on the street, or dead!  After all, beggarscan't be choosers!  Richard finished the article and shook his headderisively at those bleeding-heart liberals always crying over the "plight"of the poor minorities.   What a crock, he thought as he set the magazinedown and gazed out into the ocean.    Out about 30 feet from the shoreline, he saw a shiny black round formrising from the water.   He wondered what it might be - a seal, perhaps? No, they preferred colder waters. . .   then, as he watched, he saw a huge,pitch-black, impressively-muscled black man walking out of the watertowards the beach.

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  . .    As the black goliath rose from the clear blue waters, Rich was simplyamazed at his size.   He must have been nearly 7 feet tall and well over 250pounds.   He seemed like more a giant than a man.    "Honey, what are you looking at?" Bunni said, but Rich couldn't pull hiseyes away to answer.   She turned and saw the massive black Adonis andstared at this ebony idol striding out of the surf towards them.    As they watched, transfixed, it was as if he moved in slow motion.   Hismeaty, perfectly-toned muscles rippled with each step he took.   The sunglinted off his dark, wet skin.   And, as he rose above the surf, they sawit.   A gargantuan, pitch-black horse-cock swaying between his legs, down tohis knees, as he strode purposely out of the ocean.   The swinging monsterphallus was hypnotic, like a magician's watch.   Neither Richard nor Bunnicould tear their eyes from the man.   It was like a Greek creation myth cometrue - an ebony God borne from the ocean, itself.

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     He stopped about 30 feet in front of the couple and shook his bald headto shake the water from it.   As he shook, the mesmerized white couple couldsee every individual, perfect muscle of his body flex and relax.   His cockswung heavily through the air - slapping one thigh and then the other, aspray of water flying off of it with each impact.    Suddenly, the black man's dark, penetrating eyes turned on them.   Hestared right at them as if he'd sensed them watching him!  Richard quicklyturned away pretending not to stare, but he saw his wife was still agape,unable to tear her eyes from him.   Then he noticed, he couldn't believe it,but he saw that she was drooling!  She actually had saliva running down herchin!  It had even dropped down onto her perfect, white breasts!  Her pinknipples were erect and he could swear he smelled the scent of her pussy -it must have been steaming and dripping wet!  She wriggled her hips alittle bit and he knew his suspicions were confirmed.    He didn't know what to think. . .   was his beautiful, pure, white wifeactually excited by this. . .   this savage?  Well, he thought, blacks aremore like animals - they are built for physical activities, he supposed itwasn't unusual to sense the primal forces in them.   But certainly, shewould never actually act on it.   She had never expressed interest in anyblack celebrities and often spoke of being uncomfortable around "thosepeople".

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    If this animalistic display excited something in her, surely hewould capitalize off of it later, in their bed.    He reached out to snap her back to reality, but out of the corner of hiseye, he saw the black man moving. . .   towards them!  He watched, paralyzedas he strode straight for them!  What was he going to do?  Rob them?  Washe going to yell at him for staring?  Did he even speak English?  Heinvoluntarily held his breath as the giant of a man approached them. . .   andpassed right between them up the steps to the resort.   Bunni watched hismuscular ass disappear behind the bushes as he continued up the path.    Coming to their senses, Richard and Bunni awkwardly tried not to makeeye contact, made a show of adjusting their positions and went back toreading, not saying a word.    Richard looked down at his own nude body and felt a bit repulsed.   Histiny, shriveled white penis was barely visible beyond his growing gut.   Itwas tucked in its little sheath and sticking out barely an inch frombetween his modest fat rolls.   Ashamed of his relative lack of endowment,he set his copy of "The Weekly Standard" over his penis and tried toconcentrate on an article about Christian organizations and politics.   Heread first sentence over and over about 5 times before deciding to give upthe charade.

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     Richard realized he was drenched in sweat.   The sun was getting higherin the sky, he told himself, that must be it.   But he knew he had begun tosweat the moment the black giant looked at him and his wife.   Being a whiteguy, it didn't take much sweat to make him stink, and if he was going totake advantage of his wife's horny disposition later, he knew he should getclean.    He stood up and looked around, "Honey, I think I'm going to go rinseoff. . . " he said lazily, trying to be casual.    "Hmm?" Bunni said, looking up from her romance novel, "oh, okay,Pookums, I'm going to stay out here a bit longer and finish this chapter,okay?"   "Alright, Honey, see you in a bit," Richie leaned down and kissed her onthe forehead.   She waved to him as he headed up the path.    Richard headed for the public shower just off the beach to rise off.   Heheard the water running and looked in, quickly, to see if it was occupiedor if someone had just left the water running.   He was shocked to see theblack goliath from the beach in the shower, rinsing off!   Richard quickly stepped back before the man saw him and waited.   Helooked around trying to see if there were any other showers nearby, butthis is the only one he'd seen since they arrived at the resort yesterday. He paced a bit, debating whether to wait.

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    It was a long walk back to thebungalow and he really didn't want to get any sweatier.    He waited several minutes, but the shower just kept running.   Surely theblack man must have finished by now!  Maybe someone else had come in fromthe other side?  He leaned around the corner and peeked in again to see.    What he saw was the large black man rinsing off his humongous cock withlong, slow strokes.   He stared, amazed at the weight and girth of themassive tool, much less the prodigious length!  And, as the black man'slarge, muscular hands work his veiny cock clean, Richard is sure he can seeit growing. . .   thickening. . .   throbbing. . .    Suddenly Richard looks up at the black man's face and sees him staringat him!  Embarrassed, Rich instantly bolts off back down the path andtowards the bungalows. .

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  .    Fifteen minutes later, Richard, huffing and puffing from the brisk walkin the beating Caribbean sun, stumbles into the bungalow and bends over,grabbing his thighs to catch his breath.   He looks around, breathing hard,trying to calm down.   Was that black man masturbating in public?  Isn'tthat against resort rules?  I mean, it's a nude resort, sure, but sex inpublic is supposed to be against the rules!  He should be fired for such alewd display!  He'd have a talk with the manager in the morning.   Unlessthe black man was a guest. . .   no, that's ridiculous, he could never affordto stay here.   He must be a local, some uneducated Jamaican handy-man,probably, tanned and muscular from working in the sugar cane fields sincehe was a child, no doubt.    Richard stood up and gathered himself, stretching.   He walked into thebathroom and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.   He straightened upand sucked in his gut.   He wasn't such a bad specimen, he thought.   A fewsit-ups, maybe a couple days a week at the gym. .

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  .   and he thought his peniswas a reasonable size.   A monstrosity like that black man's would beuseless, he thought.   In fact, it was probably so big that it couldn't evenget hard.   It would take too much blood volume and such high blood pressurethat the poor bastard would probably pass out.   He almost felt sorry forthe black guy, being born with such a deformity.   He probably couldn't getan erection and orgasm.   Richard looked down at his own shrunken penis andwiggled it to get it to come out and be its normal length.   He shook itaround a bit and let it hang at its normal flaccid length of threeinches. . . if he held his belly back at the top.   Again, nothing a fewsit-ups couldn't solve.    Richard stepped into the shower and closed the curtain.   He turned onthe water and stood under the water-fall like luxury shower head with 120individual streams of water raining down from overhead.


    Its warmthcascaded over him and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.   Hethought of his wife and how sexy she looked on the beach. . .   her skinglistening with the slightest film of perspiration. . .   her hips wiggling. . . the scent of her sex in the air. . .   he reached down and began to strokehimself.   His little three-inch cock got hard in his hand and he began toincrease his rate.

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  . .    Just then, he heard the shower curtain slide open and he jumped,surprised to be caught masturbating in the shower by his wife!  He turnedaround and, as the water cleared from his eyes he saw it wasn't his wife atall. . .   it was the black giant from the beach!  Naked!  In his shower!   Richard stood there, frozen in place as the black man stared down athim. He stepped into the shower and closed the curtain behind him.   Richarddidn't know what to do.   He didn't know what to think.   He couldn't thinkanymore.   He was like a deer in the headlights.   Like helpless prey beforea predator. . .   if he didn't move, maybe he'd live!   The black goliath took a step towards him an Richard instinctively tooka step back and slipped, falling back against the wall.

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    He caught himselfand straightened back up.   The black man was silent, he didn't need tospeak.   His posture and his eyes said it all: Richard was not getting away.    Richard stared at him in the eyes for what seemed like several minutes. He didn't dare move - didn't dare say anything. . .   what could he do?  Theblack man's dark eyes simply burned into him, unflinching, unwavering,unblinking.   Richard felt his knees weaken, his stomach began to feel funnyand he felt a tightness in his throat. . .   this huge, black monstrositycould do whatever he wanted with him and there was nothing he could do tostop him!   Slowly, deliberately, the black man raised his massive right hand. Richard looked at it, but didn't flinch.   He didn't know if the black manwas going to hit him or strangle him, or. .

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  .   his hand rose up aboveRichard's head and settled on his scalp.    With just the slightest hint of downward pressure, Richard understoodthe black man's intent.   He casually, slowly pushed Richard down onto hisknees.   Richard had to steady himself on the black man's rippling, muscularthighs to prevent himself from falling straight down onto the floor of theshower.   The whole time Richard kept his gazed locked with the black man's,trying to read his intent.    On his knees, Richard saw the tremendous ebony fucktool up close for thevery first time.   He gawked at it in utter awe; he couldn't believe a humancock could possibly get that huge!  It looked more like a horse cock than ahuman's.   He gulped audibly and looked back up at the silent black mantowering over him.   The black man simply nodded subtly, telling Richardnonverbally exactly what the puny white man was supposed to be doing downthere.    Despite protests from some small, distant reasoning part of his mindthat told him this was all wrong, Richard couldn't help himself.   Withtrance-like movements, he reached out and cupped the colossal dong in histwo soft, white hands.   He wasn't prepared for the weight and, especially,the *heat* of the beast!  And it was so thick that he couldn't clasp hishands all the way around it.   He held it there, transfixed, feeling theweight in his hands, feeling its burning heat, the pulsations of bloodthrough its protruding veins, and, he realized, its growing size!   As he watched, in amazement, the already considerable, flaccid cock grewlonger. .

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  .   thicker. . .   hotter. . .   harder!  He couldn't believe what he wasseeing!  This massive fourteen inch mega-cock was actually becoming fullyerect!  Once it jerked and the powerful muscles behind it snapped the cockright out of his firm grasp.   Within several seconds, it was hard as steeland pointing straight at him. . .   straight at his gaping mouth. . .   itsthrobbing fat head practically pulsated with pent-up sexual energy.

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    Thickwhite pre-cum oozed from slit, as if it was drooling at the prospect ofconquering Richard.    Slowly, ominously, the cock began moving towards his mouth.   He didn'tmove to avoid it, he couldn't move at all, paralyzed by this black python. But he was aware of the slight pressure of the black man's hand against theback of his head.   He knew there was no point in resisting.   He was goingto suck this beast of a cock whether he wanted to or not. . .   whether it wasphysically possible or not!   With a searing heat, the cockhead hit his lips, wet from both the showerand his own saliva.   The first ebony inch slipped in easily, smoothlyshoving his thin white lips aside and spreading his jaw open at an awkwardangle.   He tasted the precum on his tongue and it was, to his surprise,sweet.   It acted as a lubricant, coating his tongue as the next coupleinches forced their way into his mouth.   His jaw opened even more, fartherthan he thought he could open his mouth!  And his lips were stretched totheir limit around the impossible girth of the throbbing rod.   He tastedthe salty, almost pungent flavor of the man's cock sliding along histongue, felt its firmness straining against the roof of his mouth. .

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  .   then,he felt the mushroom-like cockhead hit the back of his throat!   He gagged and spit up, but the spit-up had nowhere to go but back downhis throat.   His struggling was obvious; his body writhed on the gigantictool like a stuck pig, trying to avoid choking to death.   But the black mansimply tilted Richard's head back and took a small step forward, changingthe angle of the cock so that it more easily slid down his throat withoutcutting off his windpipe.   As he executed this deft maneuver, another inchslid into his mouth as the head popped past the back of his throat and intohis esophagus!  This man obviously was very experienced at teaching hisconquests to deep throat his enormous prick.   And Richard was doing it - hewas actually deep-throating this man, this giant among men. . .   this silent,savage animal of a creature.   He gazed up into the black man's eyes andfelt him dominating him as much with his glare as with his cock.   To theblack man, *this* was the natural order of things and Richard was simplyfulfilling his role as the inferior specimen. . .    As he stared into his dominator's eyes, his body went slack and he gavehimself over, totally, to the superior man's will.   The black man silentlylowered himself over Richard, sinking his cock deeper, ever deeper into hisgullet.

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    Slowly, inevitably, the cock muscled its way deep inside Richard,violating his body in the most intimate way.   Richard amazed himself withhis capacity for cock as the black man expertly slid every. . .   last. . . thick. .   black. . .   inch of his engorged organ down into his belly!  Itseemed like it had been an hour but, finally, Richard's nostrils were beingtickled by the man's kinky, coarse black pubic hair.   Richard simply staredup at him, eyes glazed over, in an altered state of total sexualsubjugation.   And the black man, at last, let a slight smirk appear on hislips.

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    Richard, for his part, was strangely proud of himself. . .   in somesick, submissive, faggot way, he was proud that he was capable of pleasingthis masterful specimen of manhood.    "God," Richard thought, "I am such a fucking faggot. " Tears welled up inhis eyes and ran down his cheeks.   This caused the black man to flash awide, toothy grin that made Richard's groin quiver with girlish delight.    The black God kept his cock buried to the hilt down Richard's throat forabout a minute or two, giving his gullet time to expand and get used to thesize.   Then, slowly, he began pulling it back out.   As the massive girthleft him, Richard felt a bizarre sense of loss, of emptiness.   As if he wasno longer complete, as if he was missing something.   He realized he wouldnever be the same after this - he would always know the feeling of agigantic black cock throbbing inside him, warming him, filling him. . .   andhe would always feel its absence.

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     Finally, the black man pulled the cock all the way out except for thehead, which he left in Richard's mouth.   Richard relaxed for a second,letting his body adjust to the sudden emptiness and freedom of movement. But he was not done, not by a *long* shot.   Suddenly, savagely, the blackman shoved the entire length of his monster cock right back down Richard'ssore throat, down to the hilt, grinding his crotch in Richard's face! Richard was caught completely off guard; he would have fallen down if theimmense phallus anchored in his torso hadn't kept him held up!  He wantedto choke, to vomit, but it was simply physically impossible with the big,black dick filling him as it was.    Then, just as suddenly, the black man pulled back out and plunged itback in.   Again and again, roughly and savagely, with no concern forRichard!  He had been so gentle, Richard thought, why was he being so roughwith him now?!  The black Adonis was *literally* fucking Richard's face asif it was some cheap whore's gaping pussy!  The black man held Richard'shead firmly in place as he worked his cock in and out at a breakneck pace,pistoning it deep into his throat over and over, his perfect black musclesflexing and relaxing with near perfect beauty - spraying water around theshower with each thrust.   Richard went totally limp and took thepunishment, fixing his gaze on the black man's burning dark eyes, nowfilled with a primal lust.   This was not about Richard and his prideanymore, this was all about the black man's cock and its burning need forrelease!   Over and over the wet, hot ebony cock plunged to the depths of Richard'ssoul, each time taking with it a bit of his humanity.   With each thrust hebecame less of a man and more of an. . .   animal. . .   a thing - a hole,existing just to please his black master.

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    And by the time black man wouldfinish with him, he would be a whiteboy faggot slave to black cock, bodyand soul.   There was no denying it.    The black man's steady, primal rhythm started to change and Richardinstinctively knew, as any natural cocksucker would, that he was gettingclose to cumming.   The black man was now plunging his cock in hard andfast, then holding it all the way in, grinding it down Richard's gullet,flattening Richard's abused face against his rock-hard abs.   Then he'd pullout even quicker and instantly shove his cock back in to the hilt and grindsome more.   With each thrust, Richard could feel the black man's cock throbin preparation for the inevitable, the final release that would sealRichard's fate.    "Sweetie?  Are you in the shower?" Richard jumped as he heard his prettywife's sweet voice come from the bedroom.   He snapped back to reality andlooked around, panicked, but the black man didn't stop, didn't even lose abeat!  He continued to pound Richard's throat like a possessed animal!   "Sweetie?  Richie?" Richard heard her voice even closer as she came intothe bathroom!  Richard was completely panicking now, he couldn't let Bunnisee him like this!  He had to do something, and quick!   "Richie, are you okay?" She asked, now right up against the showercurtain.   He could see the silhouette of her perfect naked body against thecurtain as the afternoon sun shone into the bathroom.    "Yes!" Richard managed to spurt out quickly between thrusts.    The black man did not stop; he kept pummeling Richard's mouth.   The wetslapping sounds must have piqued Bunni's curiosity.    "Wow, sounds like you're really lathering yourself up good in there,"she teased lasciviously, "want some company?"   Richard panicked - she was going to come in - "NO!" he yelped betweensavage thrusts, "NOT!" another deep thrust "NOW!" he managed to choke outaround the massive cockhead.    "Oh. .


  . " Bunni sounded surprised and insulted at the rejection of hercome-on, "um. . .   okay. . . " Richard breathed a sigh of relief as she walkedaway from the shower curtain. . .   at least he meant to, but it was kind ofimpossible with the savage face-fucking he was getting.    Any concerns for his poor wife's feelings were instantly shoved aside asthe black man finally heaved his tremendous erection all the way downRichard's throat for the last time then bent over and wrapped his musculararms around the white faggot's head and pulled with all his might to try toget just one more fraction of an inch down into poor Richard.   And then hecame.   He shuddered and jerked and throbbed and thrusted, each quiver ofhis powerful muscles eliciting a thick, hot, copious ejaculation of potentblack jizz directly into Richard's vulnerable little stomach.   At least tenor eleven times the black giant bucked, shooting his hot manseed intoRichard's gut.

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    Richard could feel the ebony god's throbbing tool jerk andpulse with each powerful spurt - his enormous sperm dispenser writhinginside him like something imbued with a life of its own.   Load after loadwas literally shot out of the palpating, swollen cockhead, splashingviolently against his stomach walls.   Richard was shocked to actually*feel* the jets of thick, molten semen erupting from the invasive organ andslamming into his guts.   He could feel the heat and the pressure of theblack seed gorging his belly.   It was such a perverse, dominatingexperience, to be filled so deeply in this way.   He didn't even get totaste the savage's cum, he merely was a repository for it - it was like ablack cock sauce injection.   All of the calories, none of the taste. Finally, after what seemed like and eternity, the last few, weaker spurtssplashed into his guts.   The black man jerked a couple more times, butRichard felt nothing substantial shoot from the engorged phallus settleddeep in his tummy.   The black man released him, lazily, then stood back up,leaning back as he slowly extracted his now drained cock from the whiteman's gullet.   Richard fell forward a bit as he regained his balance andfelt sick at the feeling of the man's copious load of jizz sloshing aboutin his stomach!  It must have been at least a full pint of thick, viscouscum filling his belly, Richard thought. . .   and all those millions uponmillions of virile black sperm trying desperately to impregnate his stomachlining. .

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  .   he almost laughed at the thought, delirious from the inhumansexual ordeal he'd just been through.    Bunni had been babbling on about something, Richard was suddenly aware,but he hadn't heard a word of it.   Luke breathed heavily, drenched insweat, his massive cockhead still sitting in Richard's mouth being suckledlike a mother's tit.   Richard licked and sucked on the cockhead lovingly,tenderly, as if thanking it for filling his belly with such a wonderfultreat.    Richard heard the toilet seat be lifted and shortly heard the sound ofher piss hitting the water in the bowl.    "Mmmmm," Bunni moaned, "Richard. . .   I'm pissing. . .   isn't thatdisgusting?"   Richard had always disapproved of, but tolerated, Bunni's tendencies totalk dirty about bathroom activities.   He chalked it up to some repressedchildhood hang-up with thinking going to the bathroom was dirty andshameful.    Suddenly, to Richard's surprise, the black man's piss slit opened andout shot a forceful blast of the hottest, most acrid dark-yellow pissRichard had ever smelled.

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  . .   much less tasted!  He wanted to pull away, butthe black man grinned and held his head firmly in place.   Richard had nochoice but to swallow this torrent of putrid cock-water.   He shivered atthe thought of what those black muscles could do to him if he resisted orspit the piss out. . .   or the thought the black man simply pulling back thecurtains exposing their perverted deeds to his innocent wife!   "Wouldn't you like to be watching me, Richard?" Bunni sighed as shepissed, massaging her clit, "wouldn't want to watch my hot, rancid, smellypiss shooting out of my delicate, shaven cunt?"   "Mrrm!" Richard managed to groan in a vaguely affirming tone as hechugged down the unending stream of hot man-piss pouring into his mouthfrom the tremendous black snake plugging his mouth.   And unlike the semen,he tasted every single, revolting drop of this gift from his master'sprodigious prick.    "MMmm, yeah, feel that hot piss, Richard. . .   oh, it's so hot. . .

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    sonasty. . . " she was breathing heavily and Richard could tell she was gettingquite excited and masturbating as she pissed.   Her piss went on forever asshe continued to moan and talk dirty.   Richard knew her to have animpressive bladder capacity.    No more impressive than this black man's, apparently!  While he keptpissing just as long as Bunni did, his flow was much stronger, much morevoluminous than what could come from Bunni's delicate white pussy.   AsRichard continued to guzzle the incredible amount of nigger piss beinghosed into his mouth, he marveled at the incredible endless supply of urinethis black God could hold!  Over the next couple minutes, he swore he'dswallowed at least a half a gallon of hot, rancid black man-piss!  It wasthe most degrading, debased thing he had ever experienced.   And, despitehimself, his tiny three-inch white cocklette was rock-hard.   He had neverbeen more ashamed of himself as he was at that moment.    Bunni's stream had ended now, as well.   Richard had been so lost in histransformation into a urinal for black cock that he didn't notice if shehad cum or not.   Then, *finally* the black man removed his cock fromRichard's stretched, abused mouth.   His lips made a comical "pop" as thecockhead snapped out.   Thick, viscous strands of mucus from deep insideRichard's esophagus clung to the tremendous, imposing black phallus,hanging obscenely in the air.

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    They seemed to be extensions of Richard'sinsides begging the black master's cock not to leave them.   He looked upinto his master's eyes and saw satisfaction, pride and sadistic glee in hisdark eyes all at once.    Suddenly, Richard heard a loud fart from outside the shower accompaniedby a juvenile, girlish giggle.    "Tee-hee!" Bunni chirped, "listen to me!  I'm going to take a big, nastyshit, now, Richie, smell it?" She farted loud and long, again, "Ewww!  Itstinks so bad, that's so gross!"   Then, to Richard's horror the black man turned around, pushed Richard'shead way back forcing his mouth to open wide, then sat his quiveringsphincter right in the white faggot's mouth!  He couldn't believe his washappening to him!  How could this. . .   how could a person *do* this toanother His denial was cut short by the sound of Bunni's next loud fartand, at the same time, a foul, fetid and forceful feces-spackled fart thatshot out of the black man's dilating anus all over the inside of Richard'smouth - coating his tongue and his mouth with globlets of liquid shit!  Theblack man's farts were powerful, but muffled by Richard's mouth, so Bunnicouldn't hear them over the sounds of her own.    "Oh, wow, that was a really raunchy one, Richie, you should smell this!Gawd!" Bunni was really getting off on her own filthy behavior, totallyunaware of the absolutely debauched and depraved depths of raunch beingperpetrated just mere feet from her by a gigantic black man upon her poor,used, loving husband!   With each putrid fart, Richard wanted to retch, but it never came.   Hisbody just didn't react as strongly as he thought it would. . .   but then theworst of all came.    "Oh, ungh,. .   I feel it, sweetie.

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  . .   god, it's huge. . .   it's coming. . . "Richard heard Bunni straining as his tongue felt this black master'sshithole dilating quickly, "this is it, Richard, here it comes. . .   oh myGod!  Yes!  UNGH!" and with her final push, a fat, disgusting, enormousshitlog slid out of the black man's anus right down Richard's quiveringtongue, sliding all the way to the back of his throat.   Richard heavedslightly, but he didn't throw up, to his own amazement.    "Oh my god, I don't think I've every laid such a huge loaf!" Bunnimarveled at her own excremental efforts," it's still coming, Richard!  MyGOD!"   The black man's log kept coming, too.   It shoved itself further backinto Richard's throat then hit the back where it had to stop.

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    Richardrealized he had to chew if he was going to prevent himself from choking onthe shit.   But, before he could, the black man pulled his familiar maneuverof tilting Richard's head just right and positioning himself over him atjust the right angle. . .   to send the shit straight down Richard'salready-broken-in gullet as if it was a massive cock made of shit!  Richardconsumed the huge, endless shitlog right down into his gut. . .   without evenchewing it!  He was being turned into a human toilet, and his digestivesystem was being turned into nothing more than a sewer for this dominant,irresistible black God!   With a loud, wet "plop", Richard heard Bunni's log finally break off andfall into the toilet water.    "Eww, I splashed up some pee and poo on my little, clean bum, Richie!"Bunni squealed, "that's so disgust- oh!  Oh shit!  Oh, shit, Richard,there's more!  I'm going to shit more!  I think this local food is shootingright through me!  Oh FUCK!"   As Bunni expelled more shit, the black man's just kept coming non-stop. Richard was aware of its heat and texture as it slid across his tongue,coating it in a thick, vile layer of pure shit from deep within this blackman's intestines.   He didn't even think about how sick he could get eatingshit from this man.   It was a moot point, he was HIS toilet and he wouldjust have to accept that.   The shit just kept coming, kept snaking downdeep into him, settling in his increasingly full stomach.   Richard had hadonly a cup of orange juice and a muffin for breakfast and had slept throughlunch, so his stomach had started this ordeal completely empty. .

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  .   but nowit was packed FULL of this black bastard's cum, piss and, now, inhuman,merciless load of SHIT.   100% pure, Grade-A black man's filthy, nasty,dense SHIT.   His belly was getting noticeably distended now and the crapwas packing itself thicker and thicker into his gut, compacting andweighing him down.   "FUCK," Richard thought to himself, "that must be 20goddamn pounds of shit in me!!!"   Bunni, for her part, kept farting, shitting and moaning as she shatherself empty, frigging her swollen clit desperately.    Finally, Richard could feel his stomach was packed full; it simplycouldn't take any more shit.   The crap started backing up and packing in uphis esophagus, up his throat and finally the shit could no longer get pasthis mouth.   Not that this stopped the black man from continuing to shit, ofcourse.   He couldn't have cared less whether Richard could take it all ornot.   The shit kept coming and now filled Richard's mouth to the brim.   Hischeeks bulged as the shit packed tight in his mouth and shoved itself intoany empty crevice it could find.   Finally, when the shit had stopped,Richard's cheeks bulged out obscenely like a chipmunk's!  After the blackman finally stood up and let Richard's head go, Richard turned and sawhimself in the mirror built into one wall of the shower.   He was shocked atwhat he saw.   There he sat, on red, sore knees, his tiny pecker lostbeneath his now totally bulging gut - it looked like those starving Africankid's bellies you see in those guilt-trip commercials about hunger inAfrica. .

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  .   and, looking up a his face, he saw his mouth, lips stretched totheir limits around a massive log of shit sticking straight out of histurd-packed mouth. . .   He'd try to chew and swallow the load so his mouthwould be clear, but there was simply nowhere to put the shit. . .   he waspacked FULL.   Richard could see the black man in the mirror, behind him,enjoying his handiwork.   He was grinning broadly, stroking his enormousblack cock, which was, astoundingly, getting fully erect again already! Richard looked back at himself in the mirror.   He saw himself with a kindof detached objectiveness.   His bulging cheeks reminded him of pictureshe'd seen of that trumpet player - that black one you always see picturesof. . .   Louis Armstrong was it?   Richard was snapped out of his train of thought by the sound of thetoilet flushing.

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    He froze as he heard Bunni cry out "Oh, no, I think Ibacked it up!  Fuck!  Where's the plunger?!  Where's the fucking plunger?!"He heard Bunni throwing open cabinets desperately trying to find theplunger while the toilet overflowed.    "There you are, you fuckin' piece of shit!" she cursed at the plunger. Just then, from behind Richard, he felt the black man's large, powerfulhands on his hips!  The black monster yanked him up roughly and with noeffort at all.   He grabbed Richard's head by the hair and violently shovedthe faggot forward so that his face was planted in the mirror.   As he sawthe black man maneuver his massive tool between his creamy white asscheeks,he knew he had not thought of one last, awful way this monster of a mancould abuse him.   He sobbed softly as he gave himself into his fate and, ashe heard his wife shove the plunger into the clogged toilet, the blackbeast rammed his fully erect, rock-hard behemoth of a COCK straight up hisvirgin asshole!  There was no gentle, slow accustoming to the girth for hispoor asshole, Richard realized as he screamed silently into the shit packedin his mouth - the blinding, searing pain of his ass being torn apartnearly knocked him out. . .   but, mercilessly, consciousness would not lethim go.    The savagery of the world-class prison-rape animalistic sodomizingRichard was being given mirrored the violence of Bunni's plunging.   Shecursed like a sailor as she violently rammed the plunger into the toilet,trying in vain to get her huge shitload to go down.    "MotherfuckingShitYouFuckingGoddamnFUCKER!  Take it, you piece of shit!FUCK YOU!!!!" She screamed as she desperately tried to stop the overflowingtoilet, "You FUCKING TAKE THAT SHIT, DAMMIT!  ARRRGH!!!!  OPEN UP AND TAKEIT, YOU WHITE PIECE OF SHIT!" She bellowed beating the porcelain chambersavagely with the plunger.   And with each swear, the black beast assaultingRichard's rectum rammed his oversized, veiny, thick nigger-cock deep intoRichard's poor, abused bowels.    Richard didn't notice when Bunni's curses stopped and the toilet stoppedoverflowing.   He couldn't be blamed, of course, having fourteen inches ofblack meat slamming in and out of your ass at 140 beats per minute tends todistract you a bit.


    He didn't hear Bunni ask him what that slapping soundwas, asking him if he was masturbating in there. . .   he didn't hear her openthe curtain. . .   he didn't hear her until he was staring at the savageass-impaling being inflicted upon her husband's tight white ass.    "WHAT THE FUCK!??!!?!" she cried out as she gazed down at theincredible, unbelievably huge black tool plunging the depths of herhusband's bowels.   She looked up and saw his face in the mirror at the sametime that he opened his eyes, in shock, and saw her!  Their eyes met -shock and awe in her eyes, mortal fear and shame in his.   She saw his mouthbulging with shit, packed to the brim with what she realized was this blackAdonis' god-awful crap!   The black man didn't stop, but he slowed down and turned his head andlooked right into Bunni's eyes, giving her the same free-will-dissolvingstare that he had used on Richard when he first came into the shower whatseemed like an eternity ago.   He continued to take long, laborious,deliberate strokes all the way in and out of Richard's asshole.   Bunni'sgaze drifted down to the awesome spectacle below and watched in amazementas Richard's small, flat ass opened wide to take the full length and girthof the black giant's incredible ebony prick.   She couldn't believe what shewas seeing. . .

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    and, unconsciously, almost automatically, her left hand sliddown between her quivering thighs and she began fingering herself in timewith the black man's thrusts.   Her other hand found his firm, muscled assand she groaned in perverse pleasure as she felt it's powerful musclesflexing and working that horse-sized donkey dick into her husband's poor,white ass.   She gazed back up at the black man and he grabbed her by theback of her head with the hand that wasn't holding Richard's head againstthe mirror.   He pulled her face to his and shoved his tongue down herthroat as he resumed "ramming speed" on Richard's ass!   She took his tongue ravenously and kissed him deeply and with suchpassion that Richard knew he had lost her forever.   She moaned and writhedand groaned with such animalistic passion that Richard didn't recognizeher. Gone was his innocent, naive young teenage bride.   She was now a sexanimal, like the black man, living only for the orgasm.   As the blackbastard deep-kissed his wife and she furiously fingered herself to theaccelerating rhythm of his anal assault, Richard felt something strangebuilding up deep inside him. . .   at first he didn't recognize it, but then,with a helpless horror, he knew what it was.   He was going to cum.   Here,in his own overpriced bungalow in paradise, with a gut full of some blackrapist's cum, piss and shit, with a fourteen-inch cock violating his virginasshole and with his horny, perverted wife masturbating to the whole, luridscene. . .

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    he was going to cum!   The black man groaned first - it was the first sound Richard had heardhim make and it was a low, rumbling sound, like distant thunder.   Hegroaned and moaned, each time into Bunni's voracious mouth, and she moanedback, enthralled in her own whorish delight.   Then, as he plunged his cockto it's ultimate depth inside Richard's defenseless intestines, he held itthere, released Bunni's head, grabbed Richard's legs under the knees withboth hands and pulled Richard's knees up to his chest, LIFTING the whiteshit-ka-bob right off the ground, holding him up in the air mainly with histremendous black cock of steel skewering the writhing faggot.   Then theblack man screamed - no, ROARED in primal ecstasy as he unloaded hisbeastly black semen in a torrent into Richard's guts - this time from theother end.   Richard couldn't fight it any longer - the otherworldlysensation of the hot, throbbing black horse-cock pushing against hissensitive prostate with each enormous ejaculation of nigger seed was toomuch to bear. . .   he, too, jerked and came - his paltry, thin drops of semensimply dribbling out of the tiny head of his mini-dick, running down hisshriveled balls.   He never even touched himself.   It was a pure, natural,absolute faggot orgasm, his first of many to come.   Bunni, seeing herhusband's ultimate surrender to this black beast raping him, screamed andcame harder and louder than she had ever come before.   She lost her legsand fell to the floor, writhing and orgasming uncontrollably, gazing up atthe two men above her entwined in their primitive, savage sex act.   Thecontrast of the huge, black, muscled, tall domineering male totally andcompletely subjugating and humiliating the lesser male, putting him in hisrightful place.   She came like she had never come in her life.    * * * * * * * * * *   Epilogue I   It took Richard four days to finally swallow and digest all of the shitLuke had packed into his gut, throat and mouth.

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    And, by then, his ass wasso sore and gaping that he welcomed the savage mouth-raping Luke gave himafter ass-fucking his wife for the 100th time.   Both he and Bunni hadbecome expert cocksuckers and anal whores in the past few days.   And Bunniwas a willing, no - eager participant in it all.   She caught everydisgusting, vile, obscene act on film with the digital camera and compactdigital video camera they had spent thousands of dollars on right beforethis vacation.   Richard had hoped to get some sexy pictorial souvenirs fromthis vacation, but this was not quite what he had in mind in the camerashop.    For the rest of the vacation Luke stayed with them in the bungalow. Richard served as a complete human toilet for not only Luke, but for hiswife and even himself.   With the toilet still backed up, Richard was madeto shit into a bowl and piss into a bottle, then eat and drink it back downwhile it was still hot.   He never had another normal meal the whole time. Even if Luke & Bunni hadn't left him tied to the toilet every time theywent out, he wouldn't have had any room in his belly to eat real food - thepiss and shit of three people was more than enough to keep him stuffedaround the clock.    * * * * * * * * * *   Epilogue II   It has been six months since the white couple had encountered Luke andhad their black cock slavery awakening.   Their lives have completelychanged.   Luke now lives with them in their mansion and is the undisputedmaster of the house.    The legal papers sit on Luke's washboard abs, waiting for Richard tosign them.   Bunni had threatened Richard with blackmail if he didn't agreeto sign over all of his assets and holdings to Luke, permanently.

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    IfRichard didn't sign, she'd release the hundreds of hours of videos she'smade and the thousands of pictures she'd taken to his family, associatesand even the Internet.    Richard sighs as he realizes he has no choice and signs all his life'swork away in a single signature.   Bunni takes the paper and grins evilly,showing it to Luke, who is quite pleased, himself, having instantly becomea multi-millionaire with a fully staffed mansion on a grand estate with 10luxury cars and investments to last generations.    "Let's seal this deal with a kiss," Bunni says as she grabs Richard bythe hair and shoves his mouth down on Luke's flaccid but sizable cock lyingcasually across his thigh.    "What a fuckin' faggot," Luke sneers as Richard dutifully gets to worksucking him off.    "Yes," Bunni nods, "yes he is," and sighs as she settles in Luke'smuscular arms, caressing his broad, massive black chest and drifts off tosweet slumber as her husband sucks the colossal ebony cock of her lover. After Luke comes and pisses down Richard's throat yet again, he too fallsasleep, snoring loudly.    As Richard rests his head on Luke's muscular stomach, still suckling hismaster's big, black feeding tube, he realizes he's completely dependant onthem, now, for his sustenance and well-being.   If he left, he'd not only behumiliated in front of the world, he'd be penniless and homeless withnobody to turn to!  Like it or not, he's going to be their human toilet andfaggot cockslave for the rest of his life and he's going to *have* to liveoff their cum, piss and shit.   He simply has no choice. . .    After all, beggars can't be choosers.    Then Richard, too, drifts off to sissy toilet dreamland with Luke'sflaccid but still sizable cock filling his white faggot mouth, content tobe in his natural place.    The End.

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