I grabbed the cup and met him at the front of the car. I handed him the drink. He gave me a puff of his cigar, then pulled me up tightly against his warm body. I melted into him as he wrapped his arm around my waist, and then I kissed him, breathing my smoke into his mouth. It tasted sweet from the White Russian he had just swallowed. The movie played unnoticed in the background as we climbed into the car to continue our own entertainment. Stephen leaned back in his chair, as I sat next to him with my head on his chest. Sliding my hand inside his blue jeans, I slowly teased and tickled at the head of his cock, then ran my hand down the thick shaft as it began to grow. Stephen offered me another gulp of our strong elixir as I slowly unzipped his jeans. I reached inside his pants and pulled out his growing cock, cupping his hot balls while sucking and tonguing around his now pulsating cock head. I spread his legs wide and climbed in between them as I lapped and slurped at his balls, running my tongue underneath, licking all the way up the seam, and making sure to give each nasty nugget equal quality time. Stephen moaned while I slid my mouth over his hard fuck stick, the movie playing on while he thrust his huge cock deep into my hungry throat. I pulled up my dress and slid down on his cock for a wild ride, and I wasn't disappointed. We grabbed each other, kissing and fucking insanely until we realized that the car beside us had moved ~ obviously having been annoyed with our show. "That's it! We have to get out of here NOW!" I heard him say. Stephen then quickly pulled me off of him and put me back in my seat, then started the car and peeled out of the Drive In to find a quiet spot where we could satisfy our cravings for each other.
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