One day I was sitting at work, just minding my own business when this cute lady logged onto messenger. Instantly I felt a tent in my pants start to form. We started talking and she kept joking about sex ed classes and how she wouldn't wait until I was alone to take me for herself, and that if she really wanted me she would just take it whenever. Well little did I know that she had been planning this all along. She logged off after I made a joke about letting her be my sex ed teacher and gave me the impression thatI offended her. Well, about 30 minutes later she showed up at my work wearing a tight t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans. Well, Raychel, probably had a set of tits around the 36D range. She was pretty spectacular if I do have to say so myself. Instantly, she walks over and says, "So you want me to teach you huh," and sits on my lap. I didn't think twice. I had her in my lap wanting sex, and I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her.
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