Stephen came by and started spraying my window. It made me think of his big hard cock shooting cum all over my face, making me so horny I couldn't help but lift up my sun dress and slip a finger in to my shaved slit for a little afternoon fun. Stephen, pretending not to notice, continued to wash the car. I unbuttoned my top and ran my free hand over my breast and squeezed my nipple; spreading my legs wider with each pinch. I now noticed that the front windshield seemed to be getting more of a washing then the rest of the car, so I tipped my head back and put my feet up on the dash just in case he was looking. Then I pulled my panties off to get a little more serious. I stuck a finger in my mouth and looked up to see Stephen looking directly at me, anticipating my next move. I couldn't wait to give him more, so I ran my hand up my ass over to my mound and shoved my fingers deep inside my dripping twat, massaging my steamy mound with every thrust. As I pulled my fingers out of my pink hole and licked the pussy cream off, Stephen licked his lips and smiled at me.
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