One day in the month of July I went to Puthucherry on sight seeing. I stayed in a lodge. I was having little hot brandy at 7'0 clock [evening] taking some snacks . I heard a couple shouting loudly next room as she was not willing to be fucked by him the third time. Both had consumed liquer it seemed. I went near the window through which the sound came. The window was not closed and both the boy and the girl were naked after second His penis was very hard and her pundai was very neatly shaved and fine to look at. Her pundai was really very broad and his sunni was very big. He begged to do one more time but the girl did not allow him. By that time a room boy age about 30 to 35 came there and the girl came out of the room naked showing her naked pundai and showing her mulai without having any dress on her They came into my room and I was seeing her pundai without winking here and there such was a nice koothi.
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