
Love Is Once Only

Erotic Poetry

Was it ever over?who or what will make it . Disapear?. God, make him go away. Ever felt like a vending machine?Everytime he sees onegotta stick a quarter in. The machine then grows too large for likings,"your having my baby Bitch"all i can mustar up is far enough. Too close for comfort,never far enough.

darkness sets in. fade to black. the end after two pops. no remorse. never forgotten. but gone. NEVER to hurt such a talented lady again. ive got your number,my rounds have it TWO. lucky im not you. cold eyes shrivel.

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  realizeation. less worry. no suffering family trapped at the hands of a coke sniffing, acid giving, pot smoking, alcoholic breath ridden lunatic, who happens to like RIPPING everything out of a little girl. cunt, heart, blood, emotions, goals, esteem. shattered the second its done. controled till adulthood. getting on track. gonna set things straight. cant say that about my buddy tho, dont know how to be gay or strait. guess thats what happens when boys are involved. your next mr. ______well call you D. BIG D. See ya soon. ;).

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