
In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter One

Erotic Novels

In Search of the Final Freedom:
An Erotic Socio-Political Novel
By R. Pat Tomason
pat_tomason@hotmail. com

Author’s note: This is the first chapter of a novel on which I have been writing on and off for several years. It is based on the real culture of the modern American south; however any relationship to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

Permission granted to Sex Stories Post for the entertainment of their readers. Copy-write retained by the author.


Societies do not progress in an even manner. Cultural norms may stay rigid for decades, centuries or even a millennia before the right idea comes forth at the right time by the right messenger. Rarely is the idea new when it changes a society, but rather it simply waited for the right time and messenger.

Karl Marx penned Das Kapital and the concepts behind communism decades before the messenger Vladimir Lenin took it to the collapsing Russian state and thus changed the world.

American sexual moirés were penned not by Jesus as many would believe, but by St. Augustine in the 4th century. He expounded a very restrictive view of sexuality as a tool for the collapsing Roman state to maintain civilization in the face of the unstoppable barbarian onslaught. His message was one geared for his time; however, as it coincided with the solidification of the Roman Church’s domination over all other religious sects, it took on the trappings of holy writ.
For centuries writers have attacked his views, and just as this religious system was loosing its grip on Europe, a new nation was born.

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   A nation conceived with human liberty as its heart, but wedded at its core to St. Augustine’s view of sexuality. The combination freedom of political expression and repression of sexual expression created a tension that sparked repeated “sexual revolutions” beginning with the founding father of the republic: Benjamin Franklin. All failed to break the iron grip of Augustinian sexual rules.

In this novel, our protagonist live in a comfortable, but rule bound world. Deep in their hearts they know there is more, but they will need help along the journey from the old ways. They will have to work out a new moral code for themselves before they can be the prophets of a new model.

At each stage they can turn back, but to be the new prophets they must overcome.


Chapter One
Unlikely Revolutionaries

“What were you thinking of?”Bonnie Campbell asked as her husband lay on his back catching his breath.

The bedroom was warm and a little stuffy. Lights from the street lit the room well enough to display the mildly erotic decor. The walls held suggestive, but classical paintings and a large beautiful semi-nude photos of Bonnie hung behind the bed. Shelves contained several statuette nudes in classical poses. The burgundy sheets were pushed to the foot of the bed allowing their sweat covered bodies to cool.

Cooper lay panting as his penis shrank to less than half the size it had been a moment before.

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  As he often did after orgasm, he wondered if he had the energy to go get a glass of water. As she nearly always did, after her husband had climaxed she rubbed her clit rapidly seeking another orgasm, or two, or three. She could feel the recently deposited fluid running out of her bodily onto the sheets. She had to resist her inclination to stop masturbating to get a towel to clean up the mess. But resist she did.
As she became ever more turned on she mustered the courage to tell him what had been eating at her for the past day. It wasn’t that she thought he would be mad; rather she couldn’t mention it, for embarrassment, unless she was very aroused,. When she was clearly on the way to orgasm, her actions of the previous day suddenly lost their embarrassment and became stimulating. After she had replayed them in her mind (which definitely enhanced her masturbation), she began to speak.

“Sweetheart. ” She said softly. ”Uh hugh” was his tired response “I want to tell you something”


“We’ll its a little embarrassing” She said then paused.


“OK. Well, yesterday Jill, from our Sunday School class came over” she began moved into a more comfortable position for rubbing herself “and was, as usual, talking about sex. ”
It took Cooper a minute to place Jill.

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   She and her husband had begun attending the Sunday morning couples class he taught at Saint Thomas United Methodist Church. Cooper recalled a number of times thatBonnie had told him about a rather racy conversations they had while watching the church nursery on Sunday mornings. Bonnie had a strong libido and liked talking to other women about sexual things, with in boundaries. After all what is considered extremely racy in Hancock County, Georgia was polite dinner conversation in some parts of the country.

“I was telling her about our Sex Education tapes. Well I think I got a little turned on and I began describing in detail how they motivated me to eat you more. I tried to describe the parts of the tape which turn me on to oral sex, but I couldn’t explain it very well. She suggested that I just get the tape on oral sex”

“Did you watch it?” Cooper inquired


“Did you get turned on?”

“Yes” Bonnie answered again.

“Did she?”

“Just let me tell it. ” Bonnie insisted. She had stopped masterbating, as rolled to look at her husband. “Yes, we both got turned on. Watching that tape with Jill in the room was weird, but really exciting. We talked about what they were doing for a while. When it got to my favorite spot I mentioned that it was so sexy I could play with my self right now.

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  I’m not sure what Jill thought I meant, but, well, she pulled up her skirt and began to rub her panties.
“She masturbated in front of you?” Cooper asked. Bonnie nodded. He tried to imagine what Jill would look like doing that “What kind of panties was she wearing?”

“Just pink cotton ones, but she didn’t keep them on long”

“She stripped?” Cooper gasped, now incredulous.

“Let me tell the story. Yes, she took off her panties. Well, actually she first just pulled them down. She didn’t take them off until I took off mine. ”

“You both got naked?” Cooper said as he felt life returning to his penis
“Yea, to make the story short, we both took off all our cloths and helped each other come. Cooper was now fully aroused, but wanted more details than that. “What do you mean by “helping to come?”

“Well by the time the video was half over, we were both naked and had each had a couple of orgasms. I was working on number three, but she was having difficulty. ” She paused “… so she asked of I would rub her breasts. ”
Cooper just looked at her, so she added “….

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   so I did. ”

“What was it like?” Cooper asked as he now began to stroke his again ridged shaft.

“Don’t ask me that. ”

“Come on. ”

“I don’t want to”

“You’ve told me this much now tell me the rest. ”

“It was nice. Her breasts are a bigger than mine and her nipples have a brown tint. I was scared at first but touching them and seeing how Jill responded turned me on so much I kind of went crazy. ”
“What does that mean?”
“I treated her breasts like I do your penis. After playing with them until her nipples were hard I licked and sucked them, I imagined they were your penis. ”
“Did you enjoy it?”

“Oh yea” Bonnie’s hand returned to her clit and both husband and wife were masturbating.

“What did she do when you did that to her chest?”

“She came, twice”

“Did she return the favor?”

“Yes and no. I was too sensitive for her to mess with my nipples, so she just lightly touched them. . .

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  ” Bonnie paused for a second and said “she rubbed my thighs near my vulva until I came. ” Bonnie was approaching her pent up climax s she spoke. “She wouldn’t quit until she helped me have two like I had helped her. ” Bonnie tensed as the waves of pleasure passed over her.
“So what was it like?” Cooper asked as he positioned himself on his wife and slid into her very open vagina. He could feel his penis sliding into the semen he had deposited soon before.
“Different. ”

“But good?” Cooper persisted as he pumped in and out.

”Yes, different but good, very good. ” she replied.

“What did she think?”

“She liked it”

“Are you going to do it again?”

“Do you mind?”

”Of course not. ”

“Good, because I’m going to her house next Monday morning. “

“Did you discuss what you’re going to do?” Cooper was approaching orgasm.
“She just mentioned that I will like her video. ”

“Tell me what you liked best.

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  ” He was pumping hard. “I liked looking at her naked body up close, then touching it.

“Did you like making love to her breasts?” he could feel the semen starting to rise.

“I told you yes. The were soft and warm and so sexy. ”She could see he was coming and decided to give him a real thrill, “but I think the best part was when she touched me”

She knew he was ejaculating so she continued “to feel her touch me as I played with myself was wonderful”

His orgasm was intense, but draining. They both lay on the bed, still excited but too tired to do any thing.

It seemed forever until Monday morning. Both of them had a hard time thinking of anything else besides what would happen at Jill’s house Monday afternoon. It didn’t hurt their sex life though. They made love every day since Bonnie told Cooper what she had done, spicing up a sex life that had long ago begun to flag after 18 years of marriage.

On Monday morning Bonnie intentionally stayed in bed until Cooper was ready to leave. She met him at the bedroom door completely naked which was definitely not her normal attire. She hugged him and said “I’ll be thinking of you today. ” Cooper responded with a kiss and an erection before saying “I’ll certainly be thinking of you too” before leaving.

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  All morning he would find it hard to concentrate on work.

Bonnie took a long bath, shaving her legs and bikini area before picking out what to wear. She wanted to be sexy without seeming to dress up for Jill. She chose a pair of rather short denim shorts and a denim halter top. Underneath she wore sheer white lace panties and of course wore nothing under the halter. Looking in the mirror she could feel pleased that at age 38 she could easily pass for some ten or more years younger. This was her revenge on those early booming girls who when at 18 she had just hit puberty, made her feel inadequate because they already had a woman’s body. She was still trim, never having grown boobs beyond her 34 B’s, except when she was pregnant of course. But since she still had size four hips she looked well balanced and got her share of looks from younger men.

At eleven o’clock Jill answered Bonnie’s knock at her door. Jill was still reasonably attractive for a woman in her mid thirties. She was about 5’ 6” or 7” and weighed around 135 pounds which she carried evenly between her 38 C or D chest and her size 18 or 12 hips. From their pervious visit Bonnie knew that Jill was in better than average shape with only a little tummy pooch and cellulite. She had fine facial features and shoulder length light brown hair. At first glance Bonnie could tell Jill had also planned carefully what she would wear.

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  She sported a well worn white tee shirt in which her dark (and hard) nipples plainly shown through and equally worn cut-offs with enough holes to make it obvious she had no panties on underneath. If Bonnie didn’t know what Jill had in mind she would have been fooled by Jill’s attempt to seem as if she were just casually dressed for house work, but Bonnie did know so the message was clearly one of sexual display. And of course it worked, Bonnie was turned on immediately.

The conversation was deliberately kept from sex for a while but finally Jill asked, “Did you tell Cooper what we did last week?”
“Ugh Hugh. ” Bonnie nodded.

“What did he say?”

“I’ll put it this way, I told him just after he had finished making love to me, and but the time I was half way though he was ready to go again. ”
“I’m glad, I was afraid he might get jealous” “I told you I didn’t think he would. ”

“Yea I know, but you can never predict how someone would react until it really happens. ”

“Well what did Terrence have to say?”
“He teased me that I was going back to my old habits and then pulled out our old video tape which naturally lead to hot sex. ”
“What’s on the tape. ”

Jill stood up “Come on, I’ll show you. It’s the one I’d told you would like. ”
Jill and Bonnie walked to the living room, Jill put in videotape the sat next to Bonnie. Bonnie tensed with anticipation, she didn’t know what would happen next, but she was sure it would be memorable.
“Do you remember how I told you Terrence and I started dating when I was a student at Kerringdon College?”


“Well Kerringdon was at that time an all female school and it was there I learned about sex.

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“With girls?”

“First with girls and then with Terrence. What we did last week was how I was introduced to sex, how I came the first time. . . the first hundred times. It was all girls and I had a series of girlfriends before any of us had been with a man. When I became a junior two of my friends and I moved into an apartment off campus. It wasn’t long before we all got boyfriends spending the night a couple of nights a week, but we still slept together from time to time. ”

“Lynette, Amber and I would have pretty wild parties with our boyfriends, and their friends and their friends, friends. Right after graduation Terrence and I moved to our own place together and if anything we got wilder. This was before we became concerned with AIDS or anything so when I say wild I mean wild. Once we rented one of those old video camera and tape recorder combinations and made this tape at one of the parties. ” With that she stared the tape.

The tape showed the inside of an efficiency apartment there was a couple Bonnie didn’t recognize, the girl sitting alone and what was evidentially Jill and Terrence twelve years previous. Terrence was hard to recognize.


  He was thin of face but rather muscular (as contrasted with his current soft slightly pudgy figure today) wearing a ridiculous handlebar mustache. Jill had long blond hair and a tiny waist and hips that made her bust look enormous. Around the room were several beer cans and wine bottles. For a while everyone just talked to the camera operator which was not visible, finally the camera was evidently put on something to give a view of the whole room and the third guy appeared in the picture. The picture then cut to some time later, Jill was half way finished performing a strip tease the picture cleared as she unhooked her bra and tossed it to Terrence.

“You were gorgeous” Bonnie exclaimed

“Were?” Jill asked indignantly

Bonnie was flustered and struggled for words as the nude image of Jill continued to dace to the music while one of her friends rose and began to unbutton her blouse.

“You know what I mean, you were young and . . . well you know. ”
“Yea I understand, pre-kids”
On the video Jill was helping the other girl out of her clothes and caressed and kissed the exposed flesh. As the TV showed her sucking the girl’s breasts Jill gave some narrative.

“That is Lynette. When we were upperclassmen, we would get a kick out of doing this in the shower in front of the freshmen. She’s married now and has three kids in California.

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  I don’t think her husband knows about any of this. ”
On the video the third girl, Amber, had pulled her boyfriend’s penis from his pants and played with it as Lynette gave Jill cuniligus on the floor.
“No one has ever given me oral sex like Lynette did. She knew me so well it was if I were masturbating with her tongue. ” Jill said as she began to rub her crotch. She looked to Bonnie “Do you mind?”

“Go ahead. ” Bonnie said anticipating the opportunity to touch Jill’s body.
Jill quickly slipped off her shorts and stretched out bracing her feet against the coffee table as she began to rub her vulva. Bonnie noticed the clean shaving lines on Jill’s pubic hair and her smooth hairless labia. Jill evidently had also shaved this morning Bonnie wasn’t sure what was turning her on so much, watching Jill make love on the video or feeling the couch shake to the rhythm of her masturbation. Maybe it didn’t matter; all she knew is she was bursting with sexual desire. On the video Jill was close to climaxing from Lynette’s oral stimulation and Amber was giving her boyfriend a blow job. Terrence and Lynette’s guys were undressing to the side.

“Can you play with my tits again?” Jill asked, “It felt great. ” Without giving a verbal answer, Bonnie pulled Jill’s top over her head and reached out to touch Jill’s fleshy breasts.

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  She stared at how they hung from their own weight and how the stiff nipples protruded forth. She ever so lightly brushed each of them with the back of her hand rubbing her knuckles across the tip of the nipples. Then she surprised herself when rather than to lick those mounds of womanhood, she placed her mouth on Jill’s and began to kiss passionately.

Their lips parted and their tongues touched then began to alternately penetrate and explore the warm oral cavity of the other. Bonnie sucked on Jill’s tongue as she squeezed her body close. Jill rubbed her clit furiously responding to Bonnie’s erotic energy. The only thing distracting Bonnie from her being totally engulfed in ecstasy were the clothes separating their two bodies.
Jill’s orgasm shortly thereafter gave Bonnie opportunity to quickly remove her clothing. When her panties dropped to the floor she lay down beside Jill who had moved to the floor in front of the TV. On the screen Jill’s mouth was pressed to Lynette’s crotch as Terrence buried his organ into her from behind. Before turning her attention back to the “Live” Jill, Bonnie took a good look and somehow knew that one day she would be in Lynette’s place.

Her thought was interrupted by Jill pushing her to her back and “mounting” her. The were soon kissing deep and passionately pressing their bodies together with a vigor Bonnie had never experienced without a fear of Cooper’s impending orgasm ending their love making. She felt Jill’s hard nipples pushing into the soft flesh of her own breasts. She also felt the unusual sensation of having Jill’s pelvic bone bearing down on her clit.

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   The combination of the soft moist surface of her vulva backed by the rigid bone provided both tenderly sensual sensations and firm clitoral stimulation. She knew she was close to cumming. She sucked Jill’s tongue into her mouth as she thrust her hips upward in her growing excitement.

Jill, evidently feeling the impending climaxes squeezed Bonnie’s nipples firmly between her fingers and pushed down against Bonnie’s upward thrusts. Bonnie gripped Jill’s soft buttocks as if to pull Jill’s body into her own digging her fingers deep into the tender womanly derriere. Bonnie felt the tension flow from her clit to the rest of her body in waves as her entire body was engulfed in orgasm. With the last wave, her clitoris and nipples became hyper-sensitive so she pushed Jill’s hands off her breasts and released the grip on Jill’s backside.

It was only now that the fire of her own arousal was cooled that the she noticed how warm, no hot, Jill’s vulva felt as it rested on her own. She now began to softly kiss her friend as their bodes genitally moved upon one another.
It had been a great orgasm, but she was not yet beginning to be sated. She could just lay under Jill all day. Jill’s pace began to rapidly increases. She arched her back and pushed her clitoris firmly down onto Bonnie’s pelvic bone. Bonnie felt the little nub dig into the tender flesh of her vulva. Bonnie watched the shaking mass of fleshy mammary just inches from her face.

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  She reached up with her mouth and took the left nipple in her mouth. She licked and sucked, pulling it between her pursed lips.

Bonnie knew Jill was approaching a second orgasm and so sucked the two eraser head nipples earnestly. She again held Jill’s spongy buttocks in her hands and squeezed hard. In moments Jill’s orgasm came with a groan.

For some time there after the two women lay side by side rubbing their own clits. On the TV they watched as Jill now between Amber’s legs continued to give cunilingus. Terrence was on Lynette pumping hard. The other two guys seem to have spent their loads were watching the action.

“Didn’t it bother you for Terrence to have sex with another woman?” Bonnie asked.

“Not really. In those days he could keep it up almost indefinitely. Just watch, in the end he always saved his last load for me. ”
Just as she said would happen, soon the other two girls had had their final orgasms and Terrence and Jill were doing sixty nine. Jill continued “In those days I really preferred giving cunilingus to felatio, but he liked it.

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“You like eating girls over guys?” Bonnie asked incredulously.
“Liked. Past tense. Back then I felt much more confident with a woman to a man, but it’s been almost ten years since I’ve given a woman oral sex. You’re the first woman I’ve made love to since we moved here from Oregon, and that was, well almost ten years ago. ”

“Why’d you stop. ”

“Well we moved here and until now I’ve not had a close enough friend to share with. . . . sexually I mean. ”

Jill leaned over and kissed Bonnie. “I’m glad your my friend” Bonnie and Jill continued to “share” about once a week through out the winter and into the spring. They would most often masturbate together, sometimes helping sometimes not. The very next week Jill gave Bonnie the best head she had ever had but it took Bonnie a month to get up the nerve to go down on Jill the first time.

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   They experimented with dildos and other toys but usually used their hands. They occasionally watched videos that they had made in the past. Jill’s were considerably more varied and kinky. It seemed to Bonnie that prior to moving from Oregon Jill and Terrence had screwed everyone they knew, and taped it. In several scenes there were simple manage-a-trios some with two guys doing Jill and some a girl would be there to be “done” by both Jill and Terrence. Most scenes however had multiple couples present but usually ending with just Jill and Terrence. One thing that particularly intrigued Bonnie was Jill’s evident pleasure in guiding Terrence’s penis into other girls and closely watching it go in and out. This Bonnie was sure she could never do, but Jill explained was her way of fucking the girls using Terrence’s penis. In those days Terrence was free to pick up any girl he wanted as long as she could be the one to put him into her.

Another difference Bonnie discovered was Jill truly enjoyed giving cunilingus, it seemed to be her favorite activity. Bonnie on the other hand, only ate Jill when she was unusually turned on, and never did it long enough for Jill to come. This didn’t cause too much problem because Bonnie couldn’t get enough oral sex and Terrence adequately filled Jill’s need to be eaten.

All this “sharing” between Bonnie and Jill made a very positive impact on Cooper and Bonnie’s sex life. The more Bonnie and Jill made love, the more it seemed did Bonnie and Cooper. With out fail when she did it in the afternoon she was even more ready in the evening and it didn’t hurt that by simply telling him what had happened with Jill, Cooper would become very aroused.

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One day in the middle of their activities, Bonnie found herself thinking of Cooper as she sat masturbating beside Jill. She wondered what he was doing at this moment. She imagined he was sitting at his desk wondering what she was doing.

Bonnie jumped up “I’ve got an idea” she said as she raced into the kitchen and brought back the cordless phone. Sitting back down she dialed a number and when a voice answered she said “Cooper Campbell please. ” Jill grinned broadly and continued to rub her clit with one hand and a breast with the other.
“Hi sweetie” she said as her husband answered the phone.
“Guess what I’m doing?”

Cooper’s quizzical voice asked “What?”

“Well, I’m sitting next to Jill and we’re naked. Shelooks great” Bonnie winks at Jill and continues “She has such big sexy tits, much bigger than mine and there so soft. A few minutes ago I was sucking them it was so fun. Well every thing we’ve been doing is fun. We’ve been caressing each others bodies and French kissing until my tongue is tired. On the TV is an old video of Jill and she’s eating some girl’s pussy, no hang on she’s moving over so that Terrence can get a bit. ”

After a short question by Cooper she continued “No, she hasn’t eaten me. .

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  . . . yet. I’m so offended. ”

By saying this Bonnie was teasing Cooper, not asking Jill; but, she took it as a request. Before Bonnie could say anything more Jill had slid down to Bonnie’s waist and planted her mouth over her very wet labia. Bonnie paused for a moment and then continued in a much quieter voice “Now she’s started to eat me. I can feel her tongue licking my lips, it’s so soft. Oh yea, she’s pushed her tongue into my vagina - my cunt. ” Bonnie giggled at the use of a ‘dirty’ word. “Now, She’s fucking me with her tongue real deep, this is so good. I better go so that I can get more comfortable. Have a nice day, by. ”

When she hung up the phone she laughed “He won’t be able to concentrate the rest of the day.

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   I’m so mean. ”

Several weeks later Bonnie calls Cooper in the early afternoon and asks him to come home a little early from work “Jill has just left, we did something new and I can’t wait to tell you. Can you make it by four?,The kids have stuff at school and won’t be home before 5:00. ”

As he pulled into the drive at two minutes till four Cooper said aloud, “She’s hot today”. As he walked to the door he adjusted his erection to keep it from binding in his shorts. The house was warm almost uncomfortably so, or was that just him?When he walked into the living room he was startled to see Bonnie lying naked on the couch reading his current issue of Playboy.

Seeing him she lay down the magazine leaving it open to one of the photo spreads. “Come here. ” she plaintively asked. He walked over to the couch. “No here” she said pointing right in front of her. He obeyed by moving right next to her. She reached to his pants and began to unzip them as she began to talk “Jill came by today. ” She reached into his fly and rubbed his shaft.
“You must have had fun” he replied.

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“I did” she then pulled his penis from his pants. She wanted him incredibly turned on before she told him what had happened. Even as she was kissing and then began sucking his penis she was trying to figure out exactly how to tell him. She rapidly moved to what she knew was Cooper’s favorite, mouth fucking. She gripped the base of his organ with her left hand and took as much of him into her mouth as she could pressing her lips and sucking. She could feel his head rubbing on the roof of her mouth and she knew he could feel it also. When she tasted the first pre-seminal fluid she knew it was time to carry out her plan.

“I want you to eat me” she said laying back on the couch and spreading her legs.
Cooper didn’t need a second invitation. “This is great” he thought “I come home and she’s nude, she gives me a great blow job and now she’s begging for me to eat her. I ought to send Jill a thank you card”As he settled between her legs he noticed how red and open her vulva was. He began to kiss the inside of her thighs softly.

“Stick you tongue in me, fuck me with you mouth” she commanded.
He though “this is new, I know she likes that but she usually doesn’t want it first” He pushed his tongue deep into the moist tube, she tasted very sexy. The taste was not usual, but familiar.


  He looked up from between her legs and said “You taste great today”

“I thought you might notice” she said as she felt his face bury into the sensitive flesh of her labia.

When he came up for air he said “Notice what?”

“You know, what’s inside me. ”

“It’s tastes almost like cum, what is it?” he asked.

She hesitated for a moment, not sure what to do, then quickly blurted out “It is cum. ” She paused waiting for this to sink in then continued “Jill brought Terrence with her today. ”

She noticed he didn’t move for a moment and with apprehension she said “Your not mad are you”

Cooper wasn’t mad, he was shocked. It now made sense why her vagina was so open, Terrence’s penis had been there just a little while ago, and that fluid he’d been licking was the semen he’d squirted into Bonnie. He looked at her red lips and imagined another man’s penis spreading them apart, that thought brought his own penis up to full erection. Before he resumed cleaning out his wife’s love canal he said “Tell me about it. ” as he searched for more of the special flavor inside her.

“Well you knew Jill was coming over today, right?”

A muffled “Um humph” came from between her legs.

“I was all ready to get with it as soon as she arrived. I was really turned on so I only was wearing my satin robe when I opened the door to find Terrence with Jill. I was embarrassed and a little scared. Jill said something about

Terrence having the day off but I was too flustered to pay much attention.

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  My first reaction was to run upstairs and get dressed but Jill literally sat me down and insisted I was fine. It was only then I realized that Jill was wearing and what it meant. She was wearing the a very short pale blue sun dress which was thin enough to show she not wearing a bra. When she flopped down next to Terrence on the couch she slid her skirt up enough to show me she had no panties on either, then smiled. Of course we started talking about sex. She really embarrassed me when she began talking about she and I making love. ”

Cooper stopped licking out her vagina and looked up. “I think I got all of Terrence’s . uh . gift. ” he said as he slid up the couch to snuggle next to his wife. “So what happened”
“Well, after a while Jill started playing with him. At first she just rubbed the crotch of his pants, but latter she unzipped ‘em and pulled him out. ”
“What did he do?” Cooper interrupted

“He tried to act like it was no big deal, but I could tell he wanted me to see him. He started to tell this long and explicit story of how when they were living together in Seattle he and Jill had made a plan to have sex with every person or couple in their apartment building.

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  He started explaining how they, either separately or together, systematically began to set up people to have sex with them. As soon as he began to describe how they had “arranged” for the two college guys next door to walk in on Jill fucking herself with a cucumber, Jill stopped playing with him and started giving him a blow job”.

“So, I watched Jill suck on his penis as he continued the story describing how they succeeded with almost half of their neighbors before moving. For twenty minutes he went on, and she went on. I couldn’t believe how long she kept going up and down on him. I was so turned on I thought I would break down and beg them to let me join. Just as he was describing the last “conquest” she took off her dress and straddled him facing me. I’m sure I was starring when she put his penis up inside her, but I was so turned on I couldn’t help it. It’s one thing seeing people do it on a video, it’s very different watching your friends do it right in front of you. ”

“Did you join in?” Cooper asked as his hard organ pressed up against her leg.
“She suggested I play with myself as they did it, so I put my hand into my robe and began but she said she wanted me to take off my robe and do it naked. I thought about it, and considered saying no, but decided ‘what the heck’ and threw my robe over the back of the couch. Terrence was nice enough to say something complementary about my figure which helped me to relax. ”
Cooper interjected “I’ve always told you that you have a great figure, haven’t I?”

“Yea, but it’s different coming from another man”

“I guess so” he responded “Well how’d you get from playing with yourself to going all the way?”

“I was so turned on. I could even smell their sex.

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  And his scrotum was so big. I was just about to come when she asked me to come over and play with her. Now you’ve got to imagine this; Terrence was sitting back on the couch, right about where your sitting, Jill is sitting in his lap, with her back to him pushing her hips back and forth with him inside her and I sit, naked, on his thighs facing her rubbing her breasts and kissing her on the face and neck. Can you see it?”
“I’ll see it better like this” Cooper began to pull Bonnie on top of him. His penis easily slipped into her stretched open vaginal lips. Once she was securely on him he said “So Terrence was where I am and you and Jill were where you are. Right?”

“Yea, except she was facing the other way. It was great to feel her body moving to Terrence’s love making” Bonnie answered.

“So did you and Jill just trade places?”

“No, what happened was that Jill wanted me to play with her bottom, of course that in doing that I couldn’t help touching Terrence’s penis. To be honest I didn’t try not to. Her clitoris was pushed out by his penis so I reached my fingers down between their bodies. I had him between my fingers and rubbed her labia with my finger tips. It was different feeling her stretched wide like that. I also could feel his hairy scrotum on the back of my hand. When she started going up and down I followed like my hand was an extension of her.

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  Oh yea, all this time I’m sucking her nipples. After she came she got off of him but, well, I didn’t let go of him. ”

“What did you do?”

“For a long time I just played with him. I liked touching his penis all slippery with Jill’s juice. I was deciding if I should put it inside me when Jill told him to take off his cloths and lay on the floor. See, while I had been playing with him she had gotten the throw blanket from your easy chair, and the pillows from the couch and put them over there”

Cooper noticed for the first time the crumpled blanket and occasional pillows lying near the wall. “Then what?”

“They got into a 69 position with him lying on his back and she sitting on top. He started to work on her, but she looked to me and said I get the first lick. ”
“Did you do it?” Cooper asked feeling an orgasm was near.

“I couldn’t help myself; I went to town on him. I didn’t give Jill a chance until my mouth got tired of sucking. I don’t think she minded though, the whole time she just rubbed my back. When I stopped sucking she told me she wanted to put Terrence up into me. By this time I was dying to have him inside me so I straddled him and Jill guided his penis into me. ”

“So you both were on top of him.

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   She was being eaten while you were being fucked?” Cooper said knowing that the thought of that would soon bring him to orgasm”

“Um hum” She responded as she rocked her hips and rubbed her clit. “She left her hand between us, she said she always liked the feeling of his penis stretching open a woman. I’m not sure how long we stayed in that position, most of the time she sucked me up top, I was close to cumming when she went to get the camera. ”

“The camera?”Cooper said with surprise.

“She brought her digital camera in her purse. Last week, while we were playing she mentioned Terrence joining us and I thought she was joking so I told her that you won’t mind as long as he gets to see the pictures. I didn’t think she was serious, but I did knew full well how, if I ever did such a thing,you would like to see pictures. She took lots of pictures and I printed a few out while I waited for you to get home”

With out dismounting her husband, Bonnie reached behind her and from the coffee table pulled a small stack of digital prints. Handing them on by one to Cooper she described them.

“She took this one first,”

The print quality from their old printer wasn’t very good, but Cooper stared at this picture of his nude wife offering her breast to be kissed by an equally nude man as she sat on him obviously with him deep inside her.
What turned him on most was the look on her face, she was clearly enjoying herself. Bonnie passed two more prints “These were a little later. She kept telling him to do things like fuck me hard and how she liked to hear his balls slap against my ass. Of course there are lots more pics on the hard drive, I just printed these”

In the next print Terrence was on top of Bonnie in the missionary position. The first shot from behind them showed Bonnie’s legs wrapped around his waist and Cooper could see this man’s penis as it entered his wife’s body.

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  In the second it was obvious the man was having an orgasm. He held himself up on his hands and his face was twisted in concentration.

Cooper looked to the spot on the floor on which this had taken place, not two hours ago. Bonnie continued her explanation “I was a little surprised when I realized I was going to come with him on me, then when he started to come at the same time. It just put me over the edge. I came big. ”
Then Cooper noticed that in the picture Bonnie’s face also showed the signs of orgasm.

“Jill shot this one just as he was finishing his orgasm and I was starting mine. ”

Bonnie looked at her husband’s face “It turns you on to think about it, doesn’t it?”

She was right. Looking at that picture of Bonnie cumming just as Terrence fills her with his semen pushed him “over the edge” and he began to fill her with his own semen.
In the mist of his orgasm she handed him the last photo. It showed Jill and Bonnie, both nude, laying on the blanket masturbating. “Terrence took that after he’d finished”

When Cooper had spent him self, Bonnie un-mounted herself and sat next to her husband; she could feel the thick liquid oozing out of her body, but she didn’t care. She just snuggled close to her husband and began to gently rub her clitoral area. “Did you come good?”

Cooper only nodded trying to catch his breath.

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  He’s come hard, yet he was still turned on. He wished he was physically capable of doing it again. “Maybe latter” he thought - knowing full well that once he looked at all the pics on the computer he would be hard again.

“Cooper, I hope your not mad, but I really liked it. Playing with Jill is fun, but doing him was just amazing. ”

“What did you like best?”

Bonnie thought for a few moments then honestly answered “I wont pretend that the sex wasn’t great in itself, because it was. But the best part was that as he was on top of me and the flash kept going off I kept imaging how much fun we would have looking at the photos. ” She looked at his face and repeated “Really, the best part was just now sharing with you. And even if I never do it with Terrence again we will have fun looking at the pics. ”

This acknowledgment would change Bonnie’s life. It would only take a week for her to realize it.


Cooper realized the fundamental change sooner than Bonnie did herself, and he knew full well that that would not be the last time his wife would feel Terrence inside her.

Heretofore their life had been predictable and non-controversial as befitted a leading family in a small Southern town. The Campbell’s had been among the first families in the community, the old cemetery behind Saint Thomas United Methodist Church had Campbell’s going back to the time of the American Revolution. Cooper was an architect in a major Atlanta firm.

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  His daily commute to the southern edge of Atlanta took an hour most days, but he enjoyed the time listening to the news and old music. He was a member of the local Rotary Club and as generations of his forbearers had been, was a teacher and elder at St. Thomas Methodist.

Bonnie had grown up in rural Tennessee, the sixth child of a typical Appalachian family. Her mother was a pious Primitive Baptist who had never had a drink of alcohol in her life. Her father, the son of a well know moonshiner, was far more flexible in his moral attitudes. None of her siblings had gone past high school but she won a series of scholarship and was awarded a large grant so she was the first in her family to go to college. She had become sexually active in college and when she and Cooper had met while attending Vanderbilt, he became the last person she had been sexual with until that first time with Jill. They dated on an off for two years before marring the year he graduated with a masters in architecture, and she with a bachelors in education. She only taught one year before Misty was born and she never had any desire to go back to the classroom. For the past fifteen years she had been a full time mom, with her only “work”, outside of being chauffer, class mom, chaperone and other motherly tasks, was in the form of volunteer work in a variety of social clubs and at the church.

All in all their lives had a comfortable yet somewhat disappointingly dull life. They tried to keep their marriage exciting by going on regular dates and playing sex games, taking sexy Polaroid’s. By this time both of their children were old enough to be aware their parents were still very sexually active. More than a few times Misty had yelled from the family room for them to “do it” with less noise.

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   Mom’s sex toys often sat right out on the dresser, and sometimes could be found on the living room floor. It was from their sex games they had first talked about being non-monogamous. For several years they had pretended to be strangers making love for the first time. It was more than a year before Bonnie and Jill had first began to mess around, that Cooper let his wife know she was free to try new things if the opportunity arose. Given the quite nature of their life it could have been many years before an “opportunity arose”, but as it turned out it was just about 12 months from the first real talk about it to the day Jill brought Terrence over.

Other than her playing with Jill (and sometimes Terrence), Bonnie saw her life changed not at all. But Cooper knew his wife was different. Not bad different, but she was different all the same. Now the gate had been opened to the things he knew she always wanted to do when she was honest with her self (and him), it was unlikely she would ever go back to monogamy.

The first clear sign of the change came sooner than Cooper had thought it would.
It was the second Saturday after her big week with Terrence and Jill, May 1st. Spring was in full gear, Cooper lay in bed thinking of his chores for the day: put up the space heaters, take the winter cover off the pool and bring the summer cloths from the garage. He reflected on the past weeks revelations. Bonnie had really had sex with two different people, both in their living room. On the other hand the love making over the past few weeks was some of the most loving they had ever had.

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  He wondered if it weren’t because she had had her enormous libido had been satisfied to the point caressing was more important then her orgasms. In fact he considered, they love life had made a general turn for the better since early April when Jill and she had started their weekly visits.

He looked at the clock it was already 8:30 and he could hear their 18 year old Lamar downstairs on the PlayStation. He knew Misty (their 18 year old daughter would still be dead to the world for a few more hours). It was warm so he stumbled out into the living room still nude as he had always done. Years ago, he and Bonnie decided that though, they were no nudist, that clothes, or a lack thereof should be no big deal. Thus occasional parental nudity in the morning or in the swimming pool received little notice. Though occasionally one of the kids would comment about how gross they were. When Cooper saw his wife reading the paper equally nude he was more than little surprised. Although she would go to and from the bath nude she rarely stayed that way for more than five minutes or so unless they were swimming.

Later, when he was working at de-winterizing the pool he again was surprised. She came to tell him she was heading to the grocery store. What surprised him was that she was wearing her white eyelet shirt with out a bra, she. It wasn’t that she was indecent, the shirt wasn’t sheer and the eyelets were small enough that one had to look to see she was bare underneath,but it was the point of it. This is something she never did.


  When he asked why she was dressed this way she simply asked, “Should I change?” to which he quickly said “No, you look fine, I was just wondering,”

“I just thought it looked nice” and she turned and left.

Through the month of May she established a pattern of more provocative dress. In a small town such things do get noticed. It was on the last Friday night in May when Cooper realized Bonnie had really changed. She clearly had decided to give reign to her driving libido.

She had arranged for Grandma Campbell to come to spend the night latter so they could have the night out on the town with our worrying about how late it got. It wasn’t that their daughter wasn’t old enough, at sixteen, to watch her little brother, but being gone all night was different than to be gone an hour or two. Cooper hadn’t thought much of the evening, assuming they would have dinner and catch the new “Bond” movie. Bonnie had other plans.

Bonnie had finally finished her hair and make-up, looking through her dresses she looked for the one that fit her mood. Her mood was sexy. She wanted to feel sexy tonight. She wanted those who saw her to think she was sexy, but not trampy. She chose a navy blue mini-skirt with matching blazer and a sheer white blouse with ruffles running down the center.

She stood in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom looking at her naked body.

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   She felt her self becoming-aroused at the sight. She ran her fingers up her thighs across her pubic mound, up her torso and gripped her breasts. She squeezed her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. They and her vulva tingled with sensitivity. A blush of embarrassment came by her at her arousal to her own body. She pushed the embarrassment out with the self-reminder that there is nothing sexier than an aroused woman is and that she is her own best lover. With those thoughts she ran her hands back down her torso and gripped her hypersensitive vulva. Her left fingers pressed down on her clitoris and her right parted the rapidly swelling folds of her labia. She thought of how hot she felt down there, then how good it felt to be touched.

Her concentration was broken by the doorbell. “Cooper’s mother! She’s early” she fumed. She opened the bedroom door and yelled; “I’ll be down in a few minutes” She put on the carefully chosen matching blue lace bra and panty set. The sheer shirt made the attractive lace bra and the cleavage it generated plainly visible and the cups of the bra were sheer enough that she could discern the dark circles of her nipples. She pulled on her light blue stockings and donned the blazer before leaving the room “Don’t want to shock the your mother” she mused as she headed down the stairs.

The drive to downtown Atlanta seem to take forever and it took longer to find the address that Bonnie had given him than he thought it should, but his annoyance was much tempered by the curiosity about where she was taking him.

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  No matter how he tried to weasel it out of her she would not tell him where they were going. And her outfit. Wow!He’d long tried to get her to dress sexy; well it was her idea now. Just looking at her sitting next to him in that sheer shirt gave him an erection.

“There’s Industrial Avenue,” he said to himself as he braked and made the right turn onto a wide road flanked by large windowless buildings. “Are you sure this the right street sweetheart?”

“It’s what it says here” replied Bonnie looking at the scrap of paper in her hand. This whole event made her nervous, now this unpleasant looking street almost caused her to call it off. She saw up ahead was a bright sign, yes that was it. “That’s it on the right” she said with a large grin.

Cooper saw a purple and pink neon sign that said “The Executive Club” above a smaller sign that said “Erotic Entertainment”. A strip joint?He couldn’t believe it; she’d brought him to a strip joint.

“You want to go in here?” he said with not a little disbelief. “Unless you object. ” She answered “I asked the lady at Victoria’s Secret were she recommended for the sexiest night in town for a couple. She recommended this place.

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  She said the girls were gorgeous and it wasn’t too sleazy. ”
Cooper looked at the lot filled not with pickups and hotrods, but with Volvo’s, Lexus’s and other upscale autos “Well if the cars here are any indication, it isn’t full of bums. ”

As she exited the car Bonnie continued “She also said this club caters to couples by giving escorted women free cover and two free drinks. ”
A few moments later she surveyed the establishment. It was dim, but not dark. Most prominent was a “T” shaped stage circled by lights and graced by a light skinned woman just removing a blue sequined bra from a pair of obviously silicon enhanced breasts. Both Cooper and Bonnie starred at the nearly naked gyrating figure on the stage until a fully clothed hostess arrived asking what seemed an absurd and out of place question. “Smoking or nonsmoking”

Cooper, trying to be quick on the up take asked, “She makes the whole place a smoking section doesn’t she?” The hostess didn’t seem amused by his joke, so he tried another tack “You are kidding, a no smoking section in a bar?”

“This isn’t a bar sir,” The hostess replied in a rather tired and slightly impatient voice “we are licensed as a dinner theater, as such we must have designated smoking and non-smoking areas. ”
Bonnie spoke up “Non-smoking”

As they were escorted to their table the both looked carefully at the patrons of the establishment. Over half of the tables were occupied by groups of casually dressed men; however about a third had couples or groups of couples sitting together. Cooper noticed that the couples tended to be a little older and better dressed than the tables of men only.

They were seated at a round table on the far side of the room, not more than 20 feet from the stage. They sat and looked back toward the girl on the stage. She was dancing to the rather loud music making eye contact with a table of well-dressed men near the sage and teasing them by flashing what still lay covered by her G-string. She finally slid that last piece of quasi-clothing down her legs then tossed it back stage.

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“I guess those little costumes are expensive” Cooper commented “She doesn’t want it snatched off the stage by a fan”.

The dancer pranced around the stage and stopped while on the side nearest the couple, slowly slid into the splits, then rolled onto her back exposing the pink folds of her labia. Bonnie thought on how smooth her hairless labia looked and wondered how often she shaved it, or did someone else shave it for her, or did she use some other method. Her pondering was interrupted when a waitress arrived.
“My name is Joy, what can I get for you tonight?” She said with a perky smile. It was only then that Cooper and Bonnie realized they hadn’t even looked at the menus the hostess had put on the table. She wore a black “Executive Club” T-shirt and red shorts.

Her bubbly personality made her more interesting to the couple than the nude dancer on stage. Her long brown hair spilled down her back with a few strands laying on the shelf created by her breasts. She almost looked like an out of place flower child. Cooper was instantly attracted to her. She was one of those waitresses who can make an average night out seem special. And in this place she seemed to be innocent sexuality incarnate.

After ordering Bonnie excused her self to the ladies room to execute the next part of her plan. While she was gone the brunette finished her performance, picked up her cloths and exited the stage.

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  The house lights were turned up a bit and seemingly from nowhere a dozen or more women in tiny costumes began milling about the floor. They would stop at different tables and sometimes just chat and other times remove their costumes and dance on the table and on the table’s occupants. Cooper was watching this when a voice behind him said, “Would you like a dance?” He turned to see the same brunette who had just performed. She was now wearing a pink lace halter top and pink leather hot pants. Up close and clothed it was obvious she was not overly attractive, not unattractive but plain. Except for her silicone enhanced breasts which were thrust inches form his face in a clear attempt to help him make up his mind.
It was rather comical that it was Cooper who had no trouble saying “No, not right now, maybe later when my wife returns. ”

As she sundered off something fell on the table in front of Cooper, a blue lace bra and panty set, even before his wife slipped into her seat next to him, he knew who it was.

“You wanted daring didn’t you?” she said with a smile. He looked at her; she pulled back the sides of the blazer. Her breasts were plainly visible, the blouse was far too sheer to count as a covering, it was more decoration than anything else. What Cooper found especially exciting was that he knew the room was light enough that her breasts were visible to anyone who sat on that side of the room. The same thought excited her also, except she didn’t think anyone would notice her given the fact that within forty feet were four totally nude women all who possessed bodies, she thought, were far superior to hers. All of a sudden she felt ugly, even though she heard Cooper telling her how beautiful and sexy she was she had an urge to run and hide.

A feminine voice cut into her thought of despair.

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  “I like your outfit, it’s a real eye catcher. ”It was Joy, the waitress, bringing their drinks.
“Yea, it’s probably comic relief in this place full of naked women with steel buns and big breasts. ” Bonnie replied in a sour tone.

“Oh no, sexiness isn’t breast size or mussel tone. It’s an attitude, a way of looking at life. ” She said placing the drinks on the table next to the bra and panties “These” picking up the set “tell me you are hot for you husband here (I noticed the rings). That outfit in this place tell me and the other girls you are not afraid of your strong sexual nature”

Cooper cut in to Joy’s analysis “That’s what I’ve been telling her for the past ten minutes but she wont listen”

Bonnie smiled with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. Joy continued placing the two articles in Bonnie’s hand. “You are our favorite type of customer and from experience I would guess you will want a lap dance for yourself. Right?”

Bonnie’s face turned red. “Well by the time your finished eating you’ll have every girl in here ask to dance for you two, and you” Joy looked directly at Bonnie,” not that your husband will be the draw”

Finally gaining the courage to speak Bonnie said “Thanks, I feel better now. ”
“Thank you for coming” Joy turned to leave then stopped “I shift from waiting tables to dancing in about forty five minutes, dancing for you two would charge me up for the rest of the night. ”

Bonnie was flattered and turned on by Joy’s comments. As she watched a blond dancing for a man a few tables away she imagined what it would be like.

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  She felt herself getting very turned on. The house lights went back down and two girls appeared on stage. Sometimes they danced separately and other times they danced in a stylized pseudo-love making style. Bonnie pressed her thighs tightly together putting pressure on her clitoris when the petite girl with long blond hair removed the larger woman’s top and standing behind her gripped the large breasts in her hands. Bonnie’s nipples tingled as she stared at the erect nipples pinched between the small fingers. When Cooper began to hike up her mini-skirt she not only didn’t stop him, even lifted slightly so he could push it up farther.

When joy returned with their food Bonnie was so hot she didn’t even try to hide to the fact she was pleasuring herself under the table. Joy smiled at Bonnie, a knowing look passed between them. As Joy leaned over placing Bonnie’s pate in front her, she pushed her chair away from the table. Her skirt was now completely bunched up at her lap and she made sure Joy could see her carefully trimmed bush before unfolding her napkin and placing it in her lap.
Joy leaned down to Bonnie’s ear and whispered “I knew I had you pegged. Make sure the buttons of you shirt are undone when I dance for you” and she kissed the air next to her cheek.

Joy was right. As soon as they had finished their dinners one woman after another asked to dance for them.

Each time they answered “We’re waiting for Joy”

Finally about fifteen minutes after they had finished their meal Cooper noticed Joy walking toward them.

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  She had changed into a denim halter and cut-offs with more holes than denim, love beads and daisies in her hair. Cooper thought how she obviously was cultivating that hippie look.

“Ready for a dance?” Joy asked with a knowing smile Bonnie answered “Just do me. ” Cooper slid a $10 across the table.

Joy started to sway to the music as she reached for the tie of her halter. Bonnie could feel her heart race as Joy pulled the fabric up and over her head. Her breasts fell free reveling the slight droop of a natural C-cup (as opposed to the unnatural firmness of a silicone breast. The very light triangle on each breasts and matched the triangle reveled as she slipped off her cut-offs. Her dark tan framing the small light skin of her hairless mound was mesmerizing. The fact she clearly tanned with her bikini, but shaved smooth enhanced her appearance of an innocent. She asked Bonnie to pull her chair away from the table and then slowly danced around her running her hands through Bonnie’s hair as she went. Once face to face with her again Joy slowly and sensuously ran her hands over her own body starting at her thighs, across her vulva, up hr stomach, pausing to massage her breasts, up her neck and finely running her hands through her long hair. Bonnie’s hands begged to mimic Joy’s, but she kept them firmly on top of the napkin in her lap.

Bonnie’s resolve to be passive collapsed as Joy pressed her breasts into her face. She, like a frog snapping at a fly, secured a nipple between her lips, but this was Joy’s game and she pulled the prize free.

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Joy ran the palms of her hands across Bonnie’s face, across her shoulders and down the sides of chest pulling at the fabric of her now unbuttoned shirt. All the while she and Joy maintained the most powerful eye contact. Bonnie was sure that look wasn’t an act it was desire, desire for her. By the time the hands were at her waist Bonnie knew, with out looking her breasts were now completely bereft of covering fabric.

Joy was now on her knees, looking up at Bonnie. She had removed the napkin from her lap and pressed her fingertips into the soft inner thigh, inches form her burning crotch. The sensation of this woman’s breath on her was more than she could bear, she thrust forward quickly, and her moist lips made firm contact with Joy’s lips (of a different sort). Joy stood up and said with a smile “No no, that’s not allowed” but not until after she tickled Bonnie’s clit with her tongue.
Joy resumed her dancing around the chair. This time rather than rubbing her shoulder she drew her hands across Bonnie’s bare breasts. She shivered with excitement. When joy straddled her and pressed her breasts hard onto Bonnie’s, electric shock flowed from the tips of her nipples to the tip of her clitoris. Bonnie didn’t think it possible to be more turned on than she was at that moment. The feeling of this woman’s nudity pressed onto hers was only part of the thrill; another part was she could see in her peripheral vision that nearly everyone sitting around them was intently watching. She felt sexy.

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She could stand it no more. She pressed her hand between Joy’s cleft above and her own calling body below. She rubbed her clit furiously. Joy pressed down with her hips. Bonnie could feel the moisture being deposited on the back of her hand. Joy gripped Bonnie’s breasts. As she rose to orgasm she could feel the hardness of Joy’s clit grinding on her knuckles. Then the tension, which had been building in her libido all evening, crashed out. She heard a voice which she recognized as her own saying something like “Ahh Ahh Ahhhh” Wave after wave of all consuming pleasure flowed from that locus of her being which lay between her spasming legs.

As her normal senses came back to her she began to feel how hard Joy was pressing on her hand, it hurt. But before she said anything she felt the naked thighs on her begin to quiver as the pressed in on hers. Bonnie was now sure Joy wasn’t putting on an act, she was cumming.

Finely Joy’s pulsating movements slowed and then stopped, she relaxed her grip on Bonnie’s breasts and moved off of her hand.

It was only then Bonnie realized that she and Joy had become the focus of the whole place, both patrons and the girls.

Cooper had noticed this fact some time earlier.


  It not only was a turn on to see Bonnie essentially topless in public but the fact that she was clearly of interest to the other men made him feel special - after all she would come home with him.
When Joy stood up, two of her co-workers (one clothed and one nude) came over “Wow, that was hot” said the one still in costume. “That’s not fair, she turned me down waiting for you. ” said the one holding her costume.

“I just know what to look for” Joy said with a smile, picking up her cloths. She looked at Bonnie “Well I’m up on stage next, after that you can bet I’ll be good. ” She glanced at the $20 bill on the table; “I’ve already gotten my payment for that dance” then she put her head between Bonnie’s and Cooper’s and whispered “Besides, every guy who watched that will want a dance from me now. ” She again kissed the air by Bonnie’s cheek and walked off.

After that night Bonnie longed to repeat that s.





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