Hinata heard him scream because she knew he seen the collar. Hinata why did you put this on me. "So everyone know I own you bitch. Now get over here and take my pants and panties off. " Naruto went over to Hinata and took her pants and panties off. She laid down and Naruto started eating her pussy, sliding his tongue in and out of her pussy. Hinata was moaning as Naruto slide two finger into her pussy and sucking on her clit. Hinata was smiling because she knew Naruto would be hard all day. Hinata was moaning and wrapped her legs around his head. "Oh yes that feels wonderful bitch. ' Hinata started moaning as she had her orgasm. She unwrapped her legs and Naruto stood up getting ready to fuck her. "Ok bitch get dressed we need to go to training. " Hinata but I haven't cum yet. Hinata grabbed the belt and started hitting him. "What did I just tell you to do bitch.
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