It was a Tuesday an I wanted a little adventure first time I went to old car,s and motor cycle show , people from all over the states bring there old cars to show off. It was Mississippi all along the beach hi way, I was in one of the casino playing the slot machine I had a white short skirt that tie in the front ,and tight that you could see I wore blue and white checker square under panties I wore a white and black strip horizon top with a shelf bra. The black strip cover my breast and my nipples were erect for the casino always keep it pretty cold ,I started walking around to fine a new machine to play when there was this pretty women in herearly 40 , blond short hairnice breast , she had a flower summer dress on sitting at the slot machine with her feetprop up on the machine and her legs facings side ways, Holden down her dress just above the knee,s so it wouldn'tslide down. After looking at her for a little while, she turn and gave a little smile ,and I smile back. I walk away and found my self walking back around to get another look, the third time she was going, I was about to sit down when I notice her looking over her shoulder and was going into the ladies room , I head for the bathroomwhen I got inside she was standing by the mirror I walk over an stood beside her , there was one other women in there she was in the stall, she couldn't see us . She turn to me and said I'm Joan ,I'm Loretta she move close an we kiss as tongue going in and out of each other , we were still kissing when two other women came in they look but didn't say anything. we smile and walk out. Outside the restroom Joan call some one and said she be up in 18 , the other person said make it 25.
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