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rica etsem iletişim kurabilir miyiz? Özel mesaj bekliyor olacağım
please dear angel, we literally need you in Ankara, you're the proof of real angels
please come to ankara dear, we need an angel to cure this city
Ankara needs an angel like you, we beg you to come at least we have a good thing in that city like you
Do you plan to come in Ankara baby, i wish to see u
RINNY VK: maybe in next week i will come to Ankara my Dear💋
please come to Ankara, dear Ankara needs angel like u
RINNY VK: thank you my Dear💋
Uzun bir süredir iletişim kurmayı deniyorum ancak nafile, rica etsem bir dönüş sağlanabilir mi? Telefonumun sonu 20 57
Please come to Ankara
my belowed angel, she cames Ankara which i really want to meet with her but i can't have any reply. My numbar ends with 20 57
I am looking a girl like that, and agency is trustful. And there such a gem just let me know so I can be her first customer but as my busy schedule on my work shifts I need to wait at least weekend. Until that time I try to satisfy with this angels' pics.