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Ankara needs an angel like you, we beg you to come at least we have a good thing in that city like you
Do you plan to come in Ankara baby, i wish to see u
RINNY VK: maybe in next week i will come to Ankara my Dear💋
please come to Ankara, dear Ankara needs angel like u
RINNY VK: thank you my Dear💋
Uzun bir süredir iletişim kurmayı deniyorum ancak nafile, rica etsem bir dönüş sağlanabilir mi? Telefonumun sonu 20 57
Please come to Ankara
my belowed angel, she cames Ankara which i really want to meet with her but i can't have any reply. My numbar ends with 20 57
I am looking a girl like that, and agency is trustful. And there such a gem just let me know so I can be her first customer but as my busy schedule on my work shifts I need to wait at least weekend. Until that time I try to satisfy with this angels' pics.
numaraya ulaşılmıyor
giden var mı önerecek arkadaşlar?
profilde yazılı telefondan ulaşamıyorum, geri dönüş bekliyorum.