

  • 10-09-2023
  • Lali
  • City:Κωνσταντινούπολη
  • Παρουσιαστικό10.0 / 10
  • Υπηρεσίες:10.0 / 10
  • Επικοινωνία:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Hilbertian
  • Φιλί:Με γλώσσα
  • Στοματικό:Χωρίς προφυλακτικό
  • CIM:Ναι, το φτύνει
  • Σεξ:Ενεργό
  • Πρωκτικό:Όχι
  • Στήθος:Φυσικά
  • Extra Ball:Πολλαπλές φορές
  • Φωτο:Πραγματική εικόνα


Romalilar ve diger hanimlar, beyler,

Lafi cok uzatmaya gerek yok diye dusunuyorum. Ilk basta niyetim 1 saatti ama gorusme her anlamda o kadar iyiydi ki zaman akip gitti ve 2 saate uzattik. Seksi gercekten kadinlar bir baska olur, kendini belli eder, Lali iste onlardan biri. Her pozisyonda begeneceginiz ve size ayak uydurabilecek birisi, merak edenler içi tamamen rahat sekilde gorusebilirler, tavsiye ederim. Sunu da ekleyeyim, kendi keyfiniz kadar kadinlarin zamanina da saygi gosterin, pazarlik yapmayin ve cok begenip uzatma ihtimaline karsi yaninizda fazladan nakit bulundurun :)

Kesinlikle su ana kadarki en iyi tecrubelerimden biriydi, tesekkurler Lali! :)

Romans and other ladies, gentlemen,

I won't put a wall of text here, there is definitely no need for it. I initially intended to meet with Lali for 1h but our meeting was so good in every aspect that we extended our meeting. Women who truly love sex are unique and they manifest their passion, Lali is such a lady! You'll love her in very position and she'll get along well with you, those who wonder about her can meet her without worrying, my advice. Let me add this too, respect women's time as much as your own pleasure, do not bargain and keep extra cash with you in case things go so well and you want to extend your meeting :)

It was definitely one of the best experiences I had, thank you very much Lali! :)


